/ / Complex vitamins for men and women

Complex vitamins for men and women

Currently in the pharmaceutical marketthere are vitamins of several types: monovitamins, complex and complex vitamins. The best complex vitamin preparations consist of almost all known elements, however it is not necessary to take them only in order to make up the supplies of vitamins. Accept them only in the case when vitamins are not well absorbed from food. There are several brands that are engaged in the production of complex vitamins. Among them there are such complexes that do not contain vitamins A and D, they are recommended to people who do not suffer from avitaminosis A.

Complex complex vitamins

Complex complex vitamins combine in themselvesa few vitamins, most often a group of B. The whole point is that individually these vitamins are worse absorbed. Most often they are also the basis of complex vitamins, which are prescribed in the syndrome of chronic fatigue, increased blood pressure and some chronic diseases. Vitamins of group B (Milgamma, Kombilipen) are water-soluble, and therefore when they are taken, there is no hypervitaminosis. Experts recommend choosing vitamins that are suitable for this particular patient.

How to determine which vitamins are right for you?

Vitamins and minerals interact with each otherfriend, and therefore take individually they are followed with great care. For example, vitamin B1 increases the use of B2, but it can exacerbate the shortage of nicotinic acid, large doses of vitamin B12 can provoke a deficiency of folic acid, and vitamin C in turn can destroy vitamin B12 in the body. In order to enjoy a healthy lifestyle, you need to learn how to keep the balance of certain minerals and vitamins in your body.

Complex vitamins are prescribed individually

It is best to take complex complexvitamins, they are safer than monovitamins, although the price is slightly higher. Monovitamins (Triovit, Duovit) are prescribed to patients solely under the supervision of a nutritionist or a doctor in charge, depending on the needs and individual characteristics of the organism. For example, smokers often prescribe vitamin C, and sweet tooth - vitamin B1, doses are prescribed depending on the individual characteristics of the organism, taking into account weight, height, health, age, lack of vitamins and minerals, financial position.

The best complex vitamins for those who are dieting

For those who often sit on diets, you canuse the usual complex vitamins. The instructions to these drugs indicate that they should be taken to those who get insufficient amounts of trace elements and vitamins with food. It is this condition that can be observed in those who often sit on all sorts of diets. Special dietary vitamins are quite expensive, but they play practically the same role in the body as conventional complex vitamins. Therefore, those who often sit on diets, doctors recommend a complex of vitamins, Complivit, Alphabet or Pikovit.

Complex vitamins for men

Men's vitamins (Ursul, Stalon) most oftenThey are used to increase male capacity, are used in male infertility and help restore potency. In addition, vitamins for men tone up the body and increase vitality, and are an excellent prophylaxis for prostatic adenoma and prostatitis. Many men endure age-related problems: impaired urination, extinction of sexual function, decreased libido. But meanwhile it is quite possible to prevent troubles, if in time to begin reception of complex preparations.

Complex vitamins - this is an excellent tool forimproving the quality of life at any age. For this very reason, today a huge number of the most diverse complexes for adults and children are represented on the pharmaceutical market.

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