/ When does the period after delivery occur?

When does it come after the delivery of menstruation?

A woman preparing to become a mother for the first time,enters into an unknown for her world, where everything is new, incomprehensible and a little bit scary. Among the huge number of questions that interest young women, there are many intimate ones that are not easy to ask moms, older friends, and even asking them, you can not always get a competent answer, rather, it will be a story about your experience that is not at all rule. One of these questions is the question of when, after delivery, menstrual periods come? What is the norm, and what are the signs of pathologies that, when found, need to be run to the doctor?

When after the delivery of monthly
Among the many concerns about the baby, when to sleepnormally it is not always possible, no, no, and the question arises whether everything is all right, is it normal that what happens when the menstrual periods come after childbirth? Let's try to understand the processes that occur in the female body during pregnancy and after childbirth.

First, there is a radical hormonalrestructuring associated with increased production of progesterone, which helps the fertilized cell to settle down in the uterus, stimulates its growth and at the same time stops the menstrual cycle. Hence the well-known sign of pregnancy is the cessation of menstruation.

monthly after childbirth with breastfeeding

After giving birth, the female body seriouslytraumatized, even if everything happened safely, without breaks and other troubles. The uterus is a bleeding wound, which needs time to heal, resulting in bloody discharge - lochia. This process will proceed with a constant tendency to reduce emissions for several weeks (in some cases up to 6).

Immediately begin new hormonalpermutations associated with the production of the milk hormone prolactin. The hormonal balance of the female body is arranged in such a way that the presence of prolactin does not allow the hormones in the ovaries to be produced, which eventually lead to monthly ones. Thus, we can argue that the months after giving birth while breastfeeding may not take quite a long time. If you feed your baby constantly and abundantly, your body acts according to a natural lactation program, which does not imply the possibility of getting pregnant again until the child is born on its feet. At the same time, if the amount of milk decreases and your baby sucks the breast from time to time, this serves as a signal for restoring all the functions of the female body, it becomes possible to fertilize the egg again. Women who, for various reasons, do not breastfeed should be prepared, that the time when the months come after delivery will come very soon, it may be necessary to wait from a month to three.

when the months come after giving birth

So, the exact answer to the question of when, afterbirths come monthly, impossible to give. It all depends on the characteristics of your body and ultimately is based on the mode of breastfeeding. So it is necessary to be ready for different variants of the development of events, but just in case during breastfeeding it is necessary to be protected in order to avoid unwanted pregnancy.

Signs of postpartum pathologies can belong and plentiful lochia, accompanied by pain, temperature. Early and late monthly - this is very individual. So do not ask your girlfriends when they arrive after the birth, but be patient and be attentive to yourself.

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