How many live cancers? Forecast: how much to live
Malignant neoplasms are found indifferent parts of the intestine. This ailment overtakes people of mature age. It does not affect the gender of a person (he burdens equally men and women). In this disease, the level of positive prediction is extremely high.
However, if bowel cancer is confirmed, how manylive with precision can not be determined. The number of years of life with this diagnosis is determined by the age of the person who fell ill, the stage of cancer, the size of the tumor and the risk of a relapse. The aggravation of the tumor is caused by exogenous and endogenous causes.
Aspects that influence the prediction of survival
As already mentioned above, it is difficult to make an accurateforecast for bowel cancer. How many live with a similar tumor, depends on the speed of the course of the disease. Such oncological pathology develops at a slow pace, as a result, the percentage of survival of people burdened with intestinal cancer is relatively high.
Typically, doctors are talking about a five-yearthe survival rate following the successful treatment of people who are sick. Continuous research is being carried out in this direction. Medical methods and medicines are being improved. It is useful to many patients to know the statistical data on how many live with intestinal cancer. This helps them to really assess the pathology that has arisen and push them to fight for life.
The degree of positive assumption depends onthe stage of cancer, the magnitude and features of the localization of the tumor, the chance of relapse, the age of the patient, and the endurance of the immune system.
Stage of cancer
A terrible disease is intestinal cancer. How many live exposed to it at different stages of the disease? The fateful factor that determines the term of life, consider the stage on which oncology is found. The initial stage (difficult to diagnose) is a guarantee that the positive result will reach 90-95% of the survival rate, if, of course, the surgical intervention has been successful.
In the second stage, progressionneoplasm and its sprawl along neighboring organs leaves a chance for survival of 75% of patients. That is, those who have successfully undergone surgery and radiotherapy.
At the third stage, the dimensions of the tumor are critical,In addition, it sprouts into regional lymph nodes. 50% of patients manage to survive. The fourth stage practically does not guarantee a successful outcome. Only 5% manage to survive with malignant neoplasm, sprouting into separate organs and bone tissue, which formed extensive metastases.
Tumor size
Life expectancy is determined by the magnitudeneoplasm and its ability to localize. Tumor cells, which spread in the surface layer of the epithelium, allow 85% of patients to survive. In the affected muscle layer, the situation is aggravated - the survival rate does not exceed 67%.
Serous membrane with sprouted into itneoplasm and spreading metastases reduces the hope of a positive outcome to 49%. In humans, bowel cancer, how much do they live if they have found intestinal perforation, damage to nearby organs, and pathological changes in regional lymph nodes? The chances of a positive outcome in such patients are minimal.
The influence of age
Oncology often affects a particular segmentintestines in people in adulthood and advanced age. They are tormented by the problem: intestinal cancer - how many live with it. The bulk of affected by oncology belongs to the category of 40-45-year-old people. Survival of 5 years at them is quite high. Their intestines are covered with a rare network of blood vessels. Therefore, the blood flow slowly spreads malignant cells throughout the body.
For young people who have not crossed the age of 30,the picture is different. Patients are prone to early metastasis, causing rapid damage to lymph nodes and organs, regardless of how far they are removed from the tumor. Cancer flows with severe complications. Young people survive significantly less than patients in their ages.
Recurrent bowel cancer
Patients are constantly trying to understand how many liveafter intestinal cancer, how much they measured. Unfortunately, progressive diagnostics, surgical intervention and radiotherapy can not be called a guarantee of one hundred percent recovery. Relapses following the end of treatment are not uncommon. Return of cancer is noted in 70-90% of patients.
Patients are particularly vulnerable during the first twoyears after the operation. The risk of relapse is prevented by conducting a regular examination of the patient. Timely detection of a re-tumor encourages 30-35% of people. Delayed diagnosis significantly reduces the chances of life.
Effect of resection level
Performing forecasting, focus onlevel of the remote segment of the gut. It shows the degree of radicality of the performed surgical intervention. When resection, bordering on malignant neoplasm, the success of treatment decreases.
As a result, one has to resort to repeatedsurgical intervention. In this scenario, five-year survival rate overcomes 55% of patients. Resection of the intestine, carried out at a considerable distance from the neoplasm, allows 70% of patients to live at least 5 years after the operation.
Repeated surgical intervention
If there is a repeat operation, patientsbegins to bother the problem: again, intestinal cancer, how much to live. The hope of a full recovery appears when relapses did not occur for 3-4 years after the first surgical intervention.
If the doctor, conducting a preventive examination,revealed a secondary appearance of a cancerous tumor, the question arises of a second operation. It is carried out to eliminate the causes that cause a relapse. In the futility of surgery resort to palliative care, which keeps the patient feeling stable.
If the patient was lucky, and cancercompletely retreated, he should realize the experience and cardinally change the attitude towards health. Only thanks to preventive measures and regular examinations it is possible to prevent the return of intestinal cancer.