Vaginitis: treatment, prevention, symptoms.
Vaginitis (colpitis) is a disease of the genital organswomen, namely the inflammation of the sheath of the vagina and its mucosa. Currently, the fair sex, suffering from this disease, is becoming more and more. Vaginitis suffers from every third woman of childbearing age.
The appearance of vaginitis is associated with a sharp decreaseimmunity, the spread of sexual infections, the deterioration of the environment and the frequent replacement of sexual partners. Predisposing factors include ovarian hypofunction, hormonal disorders and non-compliance with personal hygiene.
The main cause of the disease is hitIn the vagina of various microorganisms, such as trichomonads, pinworms and gonococci. These pathogenic organisms can get inside through contaminated clothing, dirty hands, etc. Very often colpitis occurs with mechanical irritation of the mucous membrane. In young girls, whose age from 5 to 12 years old colpitis can develop if the infection is through the blood (with scarlet fever, the flu).
Vaginitis: Symptoms
The main symptoms of vaginitis appear in the form ofvaginal discharge, sometimes with blood, which can be accompanied by burning, itching, and also discomfort during urination and having sex. In this case, the redness and swelling of the vaginal membrane is observed, an unpleasant smell is felt, and sometimes the body temperature can rise.
Depending on the cause and form of the diseasesymptoms may be mild or severe. On clinical manifestation, acute vaginitis, subacute and chronic is divided. With acute vaginitis, women often complain of copious and frequent discharge from the vagina, a feeling of bursting and burning, a feeling of pressure in the pelvic area and genitals. With chronic vaginitis, the pain is almost not felt, but abundant discharge, burning, itching are present. Sometimes there is a sores appearance.
Vaginitis: treatment
Regardless of the forms of inflammatorydisease, from the accompanying infections and the age of the patient should be treated with vaginitis. Treatment should be successful, and this requires an integrated approach. In the treatment use drugs that directly affect the causative agent of the disease, mainly antibiotics.
The main principle in prevention and treatmentVaginitis is an individual approach, which is based on comprehensive clinical and laboratory research. If vaginitis is diagnosed, treatment should only be prescribed by a gynecologist. The therapeutic measures depend on many factors that have contributed to the development of colpitis. Usually they include anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and general restorative procedures.
In most cases, localprocedures for the disease of vaginitis. Treatment is based on douching, washing, using trays with medications and using vaginal suppositories. Examination and treatment necessarily take place both sex partners. In order to avoid re-infection for the duration of treatment, it is desirable to abstain from sexual intercourse or use condoms. It is also necessary to make hygienic baths or showers of intimate places twice a day. During menstruation, this procedure is increased, it must be done with each change of the gasket or tampon.
Vaginitis sick child needs morecareful and frequent care. After visiting the toilet by the child, it must be washed with non-flammable, warm water, it is important to wash the laundry thoroughly with detergents. If the girl shows an itch, it is necessary to watch carefully that she did not comb a sore point, because this can lead to the re-infection.
Stick while treating the diet. Do not eat salty and spicy food, give up alcohol.