/ / Split language - the side of the fashionable current

Split language - the side of the fashionable current

split language
Split language is the art of modificationthe human body, recognized as one of the most original in the last decade. To put it more clearly, this is the cutting of the tongue from the tip to the middle, as a result of which, after healing of the wound, it turns out to be bifurcated, like a snake. As a rule, not such a large number of the world's population dare to such manipulations, mainly those who have other original ornaments (piercings, tattoos) on their body. In principle, in the aggregate, this all looks very unusual and certainly original.

The cutting operation is very complicated andpainful, therefore it is done only under anesthesia. Do not try to make a split language yourself - the consequences can be most unpredictable. The fact is that in this body there are two largest arteries, if damaged, the case may end in a lethal outcome. Therefore, if you have an irresistible desire to make yourself a split language - contact the professionals, where everyone will do quickly and safely.

What is the reason for such popularity of this speciesmodification? Most often this method is used by representatives of various subcultures - punks, emo, body and others. But in recent years, not infrequently meet and fans of these areas. The fact that a bifurcated language is considered at the moment as a kind of indicator of "coolness" determines the person's attitude not to a series of ordinary, but to not like everyone else. Naturally, most often a split language is made by young people under the age of 25-30 years, thus expressing the formation of their personality and distinct difference from the common people. Another reason - the same unusual, but already in the intimate sphere.

split language effects
It should also be noted that the consequencesThis operation may not be the most anticipated. Even when you go to a specialized workshop or medical institution, there is a risk of damage to nerve endings in the tongue or glands, the possibility of infection or the appearance of scars. However, of all this you will be warned before the operation. Oral care after performing such a modification as a split language, should be very thorough and constant. Frequent rinses are necessary to avoid irritation or infection, to ensure that the two halves do not fuse together. Still there can be a problem with diction, but experts say that it will soon pass.

In general, the wound after the operation heals fairlyFast, full recovery occurs in a month. But after a week of such wounds and an unpleasant sight will not be. To halves are not fused, between them is placed a haemostatic sponge, which is subject to frequent replacement - at least twice a day. After each meal, smoking requires rinsing with a special solution. Alcohol in this period of time is better to exclude altogether.

split language price
If, after all of the above, you have notdecided not to make a split language, the price for which in our country starts from 4000 rubles under local anesthesia, it is worthwhile to tell about one more nuance. The fact is that if you want to return your "whole" language, then the execution of the procedure can be practically impossible. This operation is very long, more painful, and the language will never be as agile, agile, shorter, and serious problems with diction will appear. So think many times before deciding on this!

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