/ / A little about how to find out debts on fines of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate

A little about how to find out debts on fines of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate

Everyone knows that a fine is a punishment,received for the committed offense. More often, a fine is understood as a monetary penalty, which the offender independently lists in favor of the state.

Driving drivers

how to find out debts for fines

For violation of rules of behavior on the road, the drivercan be punished by the traffic police. The actions of the driver are considered as an administrative offense, for which, of course, administrative punishment follows. The amount of punishment depends on the type of misconduct. In practice, any driver of a vehicle can get a fine in two ways:

  • directly from the Inspector of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate;
  • receive a receipt for punishment; registered video surveillance system on the roads.

Only a conscientious citizen, getting in his handssuch a document, immediately sent to the Savings Bank. Usually everything turns out quite the opposite. For example, during the traffic on the road the driver was stopped by the traffic police officer for exceeding the speed limit. The employee on the spot wrote him a protocol, according to which the citizen must pay a fine in due time. As a rule, drivers put such documents in the glove compartment and forget about them until the matter reaches the bailiffs. And sometimes the protocols and receipts received by mail simply fall into the trash. And then the drivers, referring to forgetfulness, are justified by the fact that they could not specify the amount of the debt. And really, how to find out the arrears on fines of the traffic police to the ordinary owner of the vehicle?

Where can I get information about the punishment?

how to find out debts for fines

To begin with it is worth recalling that the bestThe way to not have debts is the timely payment of bills. Then you will not have to worry and think how to find out the arrears on traffic police fines. But sometimes, for one reason or another, you can not do everything on time. Or simply the inspector who wrote the protocol, a terrible underline, and on the blank it is absolutely impossible to disassemble the details of the beneficiary and the amount of payment. In this case, there is only one way out - the information needs to be clarified. So all the same, how to find out the arrears on traffic police fines? In this situation, there are three options:

  1. Call on the phone or personally contact the traffic police department, whose employee imposed a penalty. This is the simplest and most reliable way. But what if the fine was issued in another city?
  2. Wait until the information reaches the authoritiesjustice and the bailiffs will take up the case. Will only pay the debt according to the details specified in the notice. You can come to court in person and settle on the spot, and you can pay and fax copies of payment documents. True, there is no guarantee that information about payment from the court will go to the traffic police. Different departments rarely contact properly. As a result, before the state road inspectorate you will still remain a debtor.
  3. Apply to specially created sites inInternet, where on the state. the number of the car, the driver's license data or the details of the protocol, you can find out all the necessary information. This is the simplest way, but not very reliable.

Necessity of preservation of documents

arrears of fines

Some drivers, paying a fine, immediatelythrow out the receipt. This should not be done in any case. It is best if the documents are kept at home (at least one year), along with other important papers. This will, if necessary, prove without difficulty the absence of debt. The databases of many services are not as perfect as we would like. An unexpected failure or untimely exchange of information may occur. In such a situation, you will have to prove yourself on your own, so receipts will prove to be very useful. In order to protect yourself in case of an unexpected check on the road, it may be more correct to keep them in the car at all. Thus, you will have a one hundred percent option how to find out the arrears on fines of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate. In addition, you can deprive negligent inspectors of the opportunity to spoil the mood on the road.

Limitations for violators

Do not forget that the arrears of finesThe traffic police can create quite serious difficulties in life. For example, a person who does not pay a fine is considered a citizen who committed an offense and did not fulfill the punishment. It does not matter that it is only administrative, not criminal. Still, this fact can be an obstacle, for example, for traveling abroad. And this can be a long-awaited vacation or a profitable business trip. So do not play hide and seek with the law. In the end, the result will still be in his favor. To pay off the offender is allocated 30 days. After that, the SAI records the non-payer's data in a special list, and the citizen automatically becomes "restricted". The statute of limitations for any fine is 2 years. After that, it is automatically canceled, and all claims to the person are removed. But these two years have yet to be lived. And where is the guarantee that there will be no need to leave the country or solve a vital problem outside the state?

Protection against unlawful acts

checking of debts on fines

Sometimes DPS inspectors, together with a checkdocuments on the road produce a specification of the driver's unpaid fines on a special database. This leads to additional loss of time and a delay in the movement of the machine. Inspection of the debt for fines of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate can be lawful only if the traffic police officer has the appropriate grounds and observes the necessary procedure. To carry out such inspections, the inspector must have on hand an appropriate administrative act, with which he is obliged to acquaint the driver. Otherwise, such actions of the employee of internal bodies will be considered illegal, and the driver has the full right to write a complaint and apply with her to a higher authority. In this situation, it will be correct:

  • give your documents for driving a car to a traffic police officer;
  • to fix this fact by all available means (audio or video shooting, testimony of witnesses);
  • To specify on what basis the check is carried out;
  • draw up a complaint on this case and send it by registered letter to the court.

This is the only way to protect yourself as much as possible and punish not to the extent of enterprising DPS employees.

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