/ How much visa is made to Spain? Visa to Spain: cost, terms

How much visa is made to Spain? Visa to Spain: cost, terms

A gentle sea and a favorable climate, uniquearchitecture and rich historical past, beautiful landscapes and a modern level of service attract tourists from all countries to Spain. Russians are no exception. According to tour operators, tours to Spain for tourists on the popularity rank second. On the first - Egypt. Will you need a visa to Spain in 2014? Yes! And this is a definite answer. Spain is part of the Schengen Group. This is a reliable fact. Therefore, to overcome the Spanish border, tourists need to undergo a Schengen visa. With the right approach, this is not difficult. It is important only to know how to prepare documents in this case, and how much a visa is made to Spain, to settle without problems and quickly certain formalities. Read more about this.

how much does a visa for Spain

Types of visas to Spain

There are several types of this document. In terms of time and purpose of stay, the division is carried out in the following types:

  • Short-term - type "C". For the stay of tourists.
  • Transit - type "A" and "B". This is a temporary movement through the territory of the specified state.
  • National - type "D".
  • Educational. For teaching and research.
  • Resident - permanent residence.

There is another classification. Namely for the purpose of stay:

  • Tourist.
  • Business.
  • Guest.
  • Single entry. Allows you to make a one-time visit to this country.
  • Multiple. For an unlimited number of trips.
    visa to Spain cost

To begin with, we must determine the multiplicity andtype of this document. A sample visa for Spain can be provided at the appropriate consulate. Then you need to fill out the application correctly, collect the necessary documents. This will be discussed later.

Documents for a visa to Spain

In this case, the following papers will be needed:

  • International passport. It is necessary that his term end no earlier than three months after the departure from the country.
  • Color photo on a light monophonic background. Its size should be 3.5 x 4.5 cm.
  • Copies of the foreign and internal passports.
  • Reference from work. It should indicate your position, salary (preferably not less than 15 thousand rubles.) And length of service.
  • Copies of the previous passport, in which there are marks of other countries.
  • Private entrepreneurs attach a certificate of registration and documents with which they become tax accounting.
  • Materials that confirm a successful position in the financial plan (in the form of checks, account statements or certificates of currency purchase).
  • Visa application form.
  • The original medical insurance policy and its copy with a corresponding minimum coverage of 30 thousand euros.
  • Statement.
  • If this visa was not previously opened, then it is necessary to attach documents that will indicate financial well-being in the form of materials on the property that you have.
  • A copy of air tickets to Spain and back.
  • Documents that confirm the residence in the country. This can be a fax or original reservation in a hotel with payment instructions or a lease at home or an apartment in Spain.
  • If you travel by private car, instead of booking:

- Driver's license.

- A copy of the technical passport.

  • For students, all of the above shouldprovide: a certificate from the educational institution (indicating the amount of the scholarship) and from work (if there is employment). If the salary is less than 25 thousand rubles, then in this case there should be an application for financial support for the visa. Also need a photocopy of the internal passport of the sponsor.
  • For pensioners, the main materials should beprovide additional materials. They are important. They mean: a copy of the pension certificate and a document that confirms family ties with the sponsor of the trip; application for guarantees of financing.
  • For children, photocopies should be providedcertain documents. Namely birth certificates; In the event of a mismatch of the names of the child and parents, they present materials that will be able to confirm family ties. This is not unimportant. However, there are cases when the child does not go with his parents. In this respect, there is a certain condition. It consists in providing copies of additional materials: permits (notarized) from two parents and their internal passports.
    visa in spain terms

Application for a Spanish visa

It must be completed in Spanish orEnglish. You can fill out such a questionnaire at home, for which you need to download and print the required form in advance. Also they are issued directly in the visa center.


It is filled on both sides with one's own hand. In this case, you must remember to sign. If there is no possibility to fill in this document yourself, then you should contact the appropriate visa center for help.

visa for Spain

How much does a visa work for Spain? Terms of its registration

This is important to know. The question of how much a visa is being made to Spain arises from many citizens who wish to visit the said country. In this case, the relevant center sends the documents to the consulate. Typically, a visa for Spain in the Moscow Consulate is issued within 5 workdays (in St. Petersburg - 3). The maximum period is up to three months. This is if there are any difficulties in collecting and submitting the necessary documents. In some situations, this period can be from 1 to 3 days. This is subject to payment in double size.

sample visa for spain

A tourist visa for Spain is issued inmostly for 180 days. The validity period is up to three months. Existing single- or double-entry visas are designed for a 90-day period. After completing this document, you can receive it within one month. If no one took the visa, the file is sent to the archive.


If you turn to professionals in this field, thenthe question of how much a visa is made to Spain will not bother those who wish to visit the territory of that country. Such services are provided by many firms specializing in this kind of activity.

how much does a visa for Spain

Visa to Spain: cost of registration

This is also one of the important issues. The cost of this document through the travel agency is (on average):

  • For an adult - 60 euros.
  • For a minor (6 years and over) - 60 euros.
  • For children less than 6 years old - free of charge.

In case of self-registration through the consulate:

  • For an adult and children over 6 years old - 35 euros.
  • For minors under 6 years - free.

Registration in the visa center:

  • For an adult - 35 euros. Plus the service charge is 805 rubles.
  • Urgent (less than 5 days) - 70 euros. Plus the service charge is 805 rubles.
  • Urgent (less than a day) - 70 euros. Plus collection service 805 rubles. and another courier delivery - 750 rubles.

The result

Having familiarized with the above, everyone will be able to understand how much a visa is made to Spain, and what materials are needed for this.

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