/ / The new law on smoking tobacco - another bend or effective measure?

The new law on smoking tobacco - another bend or an effective measure?

Russia occupies one of the first places in the world in terms ofper capita consumption of tobacco. Despite the anti-nicotine propaganda, the number of smokers increases from year to year, as well as the death rate from diseases associated with the consumption of nicotine.

Care for the health of the nation on a global scale -undoubted prerogative of the state. But is it possible to rectify the current situation legislatively? Or high prices and fines for violators in this case are powerless?

The new law on smoking in the editorial officeThe Ministry of Healthcare and Social Development has caused a huge number of disputes. He was considered excessively tough even by people who never touched cigarettes. What can we say about heavy smokers. Many of them took the ban on smoking in public places as an attempt on personal freedom. However, it should be noted that the law on smoking in the editorial board proposed by the Ministry of Health and Social Development does not contradict the generally accepted world practice.

For example, in Belgium since 2007, there is a law prohibiting smoking in bars and restaurants.

People in Singapore can not afford a cigarette, not only in a public catering establishment, but also in a street queue.

The Syrian Ministry of Transport and Aviation legislatively approved the ban on smoking in trains, airplanes, buses.

By the way, in some countries of Europe tobacco products are sold only in specially designated places, and they cost abroad quite cheaply.

As you can see, the Ministry of Health did not come up with anything new, suggesting raising the price of cigarettes and banning their sale in conventional kiosks and mini-markets.

Of course, no radical measures will not fixa man who smoked, smoked and would smoke. Nobody is going to impose anything on an adult, intelligent person. Speech in this case is not about those who deliberately poison their body, but about those who have to breathe tobacco smog for the company.

The law on smoking in public places in Russiawas adopted and approved in 2005. To date, it is proposed to significantly add to the list of places where cigarettes will be banned. Now it will include catering enterprises, sports and playgrounds, stadiums, elevators, station and airport buildings, bus, trolley and tram stops, public transport (including long-distance trains). Now the search for a place where you can smoke a cigarette will become tedious.

In addition, the law on smoking also presupposes measures, so to speak, psychological effects.

Now, instead of inscriptions, on cigarette packsphotos of the affected organs will flash. The Russians have already noticed, with their inherent humor, that the medical officials decided to move from warnings to threats.

In addition, the new version of the smoking lawregulates the sale of tobacco products. It is suggested not to expose the "product person", but for those who want to buy cigarettes to issue the appropriate price. According to the plan of legislators, such measures will protect the younger generation from unnecessary temptations. Undoubtedly, there is a great deal of truth in this statement. Considering the fact that cigarettes on the counter often coexist with all sorts of goodies, our children begin to show interest to them from a young age. By the way, the fact that the sale of tobacco products to persons under the age of 18 is banned, none of the adolescents has not yet stopped in the desire to try these very products.

It affects the law on smoking and the most popular ofarts. It's about the cinema. I must say that smoking on the screen is rarely justified by the script. As a rule, in modern serials and films the flashing of cigarette packs is just a hidden advertisement. And like any advertising, it is aimed at increasing sales, in this case, of tobacco products.

Of course, all these measures are unlikely to force Russianscompletely abandon cigarettes, but the fact that smoking will be less, no doubt. You can talk as much as you like about the sweetness of the forbidden fruit, but this argument does not work in this case. Cigarettes are not going to be banned for sale - they will only be removed "out of sight", and they will cost more. Perhaps a person who has previously smoked two packs a day, will be limited to one or half. Agree, at least some good. Well and wishing to sacrifice own health for the sake of doubtful happiness to inhale smelly smoke, always can make it in walls of own apartment and specially taken away places.

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