/ / Garage cooperative

Garage cooperative

In big cities, the question ofstorage of personal cars. One of the most effective ways to solve this problem is the organization of garage cooperatives. Storage of a vehicle using this method is the most civilized way out of the situation.

Garage-building cooperative is created onnon-profit basis. His organization differs from other associations of fellow citizens with its specific characteristics. All the main points need to be taken into account already at the stage when the garage cooperative is still being planned. The algorithm of all necessary actions can be developed on the basis of a step-by-step instruction. In order to organize a garage cooperative, first of all, it is necessary to create an initiative group.

Members of the future GSK can be combined to work together, at the place of residence, as well as on other grounds. The preparatory period is the most difficult.

At the end of the first stage,confirming the decision of a group of initiators on the construction of a gas main. The second mandatory step is the development of a local regulatory act. They are the charter of a garage cooperative. This document prescribes issues related to the formation of joint property.

Fixed in the statute and sources of incomefinancial resources. Basically, they are the initial and share, as well as target and membership fees. After collecting all the necessary papers and drawing up a package of constituent documents, the garage cooperative is subject to mandatory registration and registration with the tax inspection in the area of ​​its location.

Prior to the commencement of GSK operations, it is necessary to open a settlement account with a servicing bank for it.

The next stage in the organization of the garageThe cooperative is the documentary registration of the territory necessary for its construction. To this end, the local authority responsible for urban development and land use must formalize the lease contract and the act of choice for the declared plot. The list of documents that must be provided for carrying out this procedure differs depending on the region.

At the next stage, you can begin to conclude a contract for construction work. After the completion of the construction of garages, agreements are made with the operating companies.

At the final stage of all these procedures, the garagethe cooperative is subject to registration. The property right is issued by the certificate. As you can see, many steps on the way to creating a GSK require the development and processing of important documents. This work is best entrusted to a proven law firm. Thus, the process of creating a cooperative will be significantly accelerated.

To the supreme governing body of the Goskomstat are the assembly of all its members. It is competent to resolve issues:

- on the adoption of the Charter and all amendments to it;

- on the determination of the size of funds and contributions;

- the admission of new members, as well as the exclusion from the GSK;

- election of the board and the audit commission, as well as their re-election;

- reorganization of the public organization, as well as its liquidation.

The GSC board, headed by its chairman, carries out current activities. In the intervals between meetings, he is responsible for:

- organization of collection and accounting of membership fees;

- drawing up plans and cost estimates;

- maintaining lists of registered members of cooperatives;

- preparation for the meeting and approval of its agenda.

The financial activities of the cooperative are undercontrol of the Audit Commission. Its members do not have the right to enter the governing body. The daily operation of the HSC consists in the operation of garages. Before him there is no task in getting profit from this activity. However, garage cooperatives have the right to engage in business.

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