The mobilization regulations are ... The delivery of the mobilization order
Military issues worry almost everyoneresident of the Russian Federation. The scorching situation in the world makes every citizen in reserve think about sudden mobilization. Moreover, in recent times, the number of actual exercises in the territories of rural settlements and urban districts has increased. What is mobilization regulations? To whom they are issued and for what? Let's talk about it.
General information about the exciting paper
Many people, even those who have served in the army, are lost when they paste a treasured leaf into their military ticket.
The military commissariats or specialists in the conduct of military registration in the territory of a given settlement are engaged in the assignment of the mobilization order.
We all see on the TV screens that inthe last time was happening and continues to happen on the territory of Ukraine. Many male representatives, and their families, fear that the conflict could escalate into something more serious. Passions are aggravated by the fact that every citizen is available any information. As in the palm of everything is presented by the press, the Internet and other media. Therefore, when we hear that we are required to report to the military commissariat department for a mobilization order, we are worried.
Remember! The practice of distributing prescriptions has been applied for a long time already, and it has not the slightest relation to the conflict between the Russian state and Ukraine.
Workers of military registration and enlistment offices constantly checkinformation on citizens in reserve. This is necessary to clarify the data for each person. About his family, his specific whereabouts, his occupation at the current date, and other information. Mobilization regulations are included in the same planned checks and data refinements.
And yet, what are they for?
This document is passed on all citizens whoare on the military register. The person who received the piece of paper should know that at the moment nothing terrible is happening to him. But in the event of military action and real mobilization, he will know his team. The mobilization order indicates which group the person belongs to. At the same time, teams or parties may change, or upon reaching the age of 50, a person is removed from the register due to age.
Having received this piece of paper, do not think that yoube sure to go to serve. By such actions, the employees of the departments of military commissariats divide their entire base into fit fighters and those who can no longer fight during the periods of military operations.
After all, the tasks of the military commissariats are not onlythe call of adult citizens to serve in the ranks of the Russian army and in the initial registration of this category of young people, which put people who have reached the age of 14, but also in providing activities aimed at preparing mobilization resources and equipment.
Who can be given the mobilization order?
Hand it to all suitable citizens on the territory of their residence. Do not worry about this.
Employees of military registration and enlistment offices or specialists of rural settlements should call for the delivery of the following persons:
- Men or young guys between the ages of seventeen and forty-five (reserve officers are on the books for up to sixty years, so they can be called up to this period of their life).
- Women from eighteen to forty-five years old who have medical education or other professions related to the conduct of military affairs.
In the passport of these citizens a corresponding mark is placed.
What are the mobilization requirements?
These pieces of paper have a rectangular shape and are painted in pink (they can also be white or lilac). On the sheet you can read the following information:
- Surname, name, patronymic of the citizen who is in reserve.
- Data about his date, month and year of birth.
- Date of issue of the mobilization order.
- Information on the basis on which this document was sent to a citizen.
- Received by service in the Russian army rank.
- Assigned military specialty with an indication of its number on the list.
- The code name of the reserved person's post and the name of the reserved person.
- The name and number of the team to which the citizen is identified.
- The duties that he performs in the team.
- Place of collection during mobilization actions.
- List of necessary documents, which must be with the reserved at the time of arrival at the collection point.
A piece of paper is put on the paper and signed by the responsible authority for issuing the document.
A sample of the mobilization order is presented in the photo below.
Where can they get a pink paper?
There are several ways of transferring the leaflet. Here are some of them:
- Calling a reserve citizen directly to the military commissariat department via a phone call or an agenda. The mobilization instruction is pasted by the employees to the last sheet of the military ticket.
- Workers of the military registration and enlistment office can entrust this matterspecialists of rural settlements. With the issued papers, they will make a tour of their settlements and paste a leaflet or, with the help of a phone call or an agenda, directly call everyone into the administration.
- The head of the enterprise can come to the rescue together with the personnel department where the reserved one is working.
Mobilization regulations are issued to people under their signature.
Sometimes in the military ticket in the column "Issuance of a prescription" a stamp stating the date of issue and the signature of the employee who issued it.
How should a citizen who received a pink leaf behave?
If mobilization is not announced, then the person livesquietly with his usual life, but if a real uplift starts, he will need to arrive at a certain time and place indicated in the mobilization order.
Those citizens who do not have this paper inhis military ticket, but are fit for military service, the agenda is given after the warning signal. And those people who have a pink leaflet are at the collection point, without waiting for it.
Is there a threat in the prescription?
Many people think that the agenda and the pasted piece of paperdo not differ from each other. This is not true! The agenda specifies the reason why one should report to the military commissariat. A citizen may be summoned both for sending to the duty station and for passing a medical commission.
But the order immediately indicates to the person that in the event of the beginning of the war he is obliged to join the ranks of the Armed Forces and start fulfilling his duties.
If a citizen is notified of the delivery of the order,but he ignored it and did not show up, then it was legislated (namely the code on administrative violations) that the responsibility for violation of this procedure was fixed.
Of course, with the first refusal of delivery, the penalties are small, but with repeated refusals they will increase.
But non-appearance during the announced mobilization threatens with criminal punishment. At the same time, not only the citizen who received the leaflet, but also the workers responsible for conducting military records will get it.
If the employee responsible for the registration does not inform you of the delivery of the order intentionally, then he will be fined up to one thousand rubles.
If there is evidence that the person responsible for keeping records deliberately destroyed the list of reserved citizens, then he faces a fine of between one hundred and five hundred rubles.
Who can ignore the pink leaflets?
Do not participate in military training the following persons:
- Women who do not have military professions and do not have medical education.
- Reserved citizens who, during military operations, will continue to work in enterprises.
- Employees of law enforcement agencies.
- EMERCOM workers and firefighters.
- Citizens who have two or more underage children.
- Higher authorities.
- Civilian personnel of military organizations.
- Persons who have Russian citizenship, but who live abroad permanently.
In addition, people who have received the injunction may appeal to him in court. The grounds for this should be very strong, for example, major health problems or disability of the first degree.