/ / Positions in the army for soldiers and contract soldiers

Positions in the army for soldiers and contract soldiers

There are many posts in the army for every taste. Each young man who joined the ranks of the armed forces, will be able to realize his abilities to the maximum. Service in the army will make from any young man a real man, capable of responsible decisions and ready to defend his loved ones. It tempers the character, educates through the physical and spiritual development of the best human qualities, prepares young people for an adult life, full of trials and difficulties.

positions in the army

Conscription or emergency service

Entering into this type of service a citizen does nothas any kind of civil support and preferences, as opposed to serving the contract army. The first thing the future fighter needs is a presence in the military register. The draft commissions, which carry out the selection of young people for the armed forces, are located within the municipal districts, urban districts, and in the inner city territories. Military commissars in these institutions occupy the highest representative and leading position. In the Red Army was the same.

Conscripts on the agenda are subject to medicalexamination, after which their suitability for service is decided. The appeal also includes sending the future soldier to the military commissariat and his presence here before the service begins. In the future, he will have the status of a soldier.

military service

Contract service in the Armed Forces

Positions under the contract in the army can be occupied by andForeign citizens. They serve on an equal basis with the rest in certain positions. This applies only to ranks that soldiers, sailors, sergeants and sergeants of the Russian army can replace. The position under the contract is payable and assumes state social support for every fighter who has Russian citizenship.

To fighters of these units are put forwardcertain requirements: to age, education, physical and mental condition, special vocational training (when assigning a category). A soldier-conscript who wants to serve on a contract is given a list of vacant positions in the army. After applying, the citizen must undergo testing and verification, determining his physical data, the level of military training, professional qualities. Then follows the issuing of a military ticket and enrolling in the contract service in the armed forces. Here, as an ordinary shooter, you can earn about 18 thousand a month, with an increase in the length of service, the social package and salary increase.

 officer positions in the army

Positions in the Armed Forces

The calling commission determines which military andThe soldier will have professional obligations. Psychological and professional selection, educational and special training, the results of the medical commission affect the position and rank in the army. Servicemen are obliged to increase their military and physical training, carry out orders, take measures to preserve their health, refrain from harmful habits, and comply with the regulations.

The commander of the regiment occupies a leading position andis responsible for various incidents and violations that could lead to death or serious bodily harm, for taking measures against criminal acts of employees, for safety in the operation of weapons and military equipment and for fire safety, and controls the health of soldiers. Shooting, exercises and various exercises are supervised by his deputy. Deputies for rear services, educational work, and weapons carry out supervision of the relevant units.

Such positions in the army as the chief of artilleryand the service of the regiment, presuppose responsibility for the protection of the environment and security during military events, the correct use of equipment, ammunition and the safety of equipment and military equipment.

posts and titles in the army

Salaries and titles of contract workers

Qualification, seniority, life threatening conditions andhealth, possession of special skills and knowledge of foreign languages, work with state secrets - all this affects the contract service in the army, position, salary, social benefits. The commander of the department with a seniority up to 5 years receives a salary of about 33 thousand, a sergeant with a seniority up to 10 years - about forty, and the highest salary, taking into account the allowances of the platoon commander (sergeant) - almost 60 thousand.

The state relies on material support- military personnel receive awards for special services, they have the opportunity to obtain housing. If during the service period the military was not provided with housing, and he was forced to lease, then in part this amount can be compensated. When moving, payments and housing are also considered.

contract positions in the army

Features of women's positions in the army

A female citizen can be admitted toany vacant posts in the army. There are also requirements for age, health and vocational training. Mostly women occupy posts in the medical, food, clothing services, they become commanders at the rear.

The heads of the medical regimental service are obligedcarry out medical and preventive measures, monitor the conditions in which soldiers serve, identify soldiers with physical and mental disabilities, check on the medical side the quality of water and food products, sanitary condition of premises, prevent and prevent the risk of outbreaks of infectious diseases, etc. Polkovoy the psychologist is engaged in strengthening discipline in military units and especially monitors the state of psychologically unstable employees. The employees of the food service monitor the benign food, the maintenance of warehouses and dining rooms.

Who can become a soldier

Now the economic duties in the armyperform the appropriate workers, soldiers receive the rank of privates, and then they can join the officer's post. In the army, these include the positions of a junior officer (junior lieutenant), a senior officer (major), a higher officer (marshal, general, admiral). The lieutenants serve captains and captain-lieutenants, and the majors become colonels.

Depending on the type of armed forces(land, air, naval, missile, airborne, defense or engineering) fighters may occupy technological, operator, command, driver's and other positions. For example, a specialist in the information field could prove himself at the operator's place in the computer department, a graduate of the chemical and biological faculty can try himself as a chemist or a specialist in the operation of chemical (flame-igniting, thermal, radiation) means, and the serving engineers become telephonists, masters or mechanics.

army of russia posts

Mouth posts

As a soldier or a sailor, the citizen undertakesto maintain the safe operation of equipment and weapons. The duties of the company's foreman are to keep the living and working premises clean and tidy, to supervise downstream employees. For military training, discipline of soldiers, the correct use of equipment and tools is answered by the platoon commander.

His deputy for armament - a senior technician- works are carried out to maintain technical equipment and implement fire prevention measures. The duties of the deputy on educational work include the satisfaction of the needs of the composition, the resolution of disputes and conflicts, the conduct of pedagogical activities. In the competence of the company commander are all of the above duties.

women's posts in the army

How to choose a suitable specialty

All specialties that are provided inarmy, are taught there. With this experience, soldiers in the future can continue to serve on a contract basis. To choose a kind of troops, of course, it is impossible, this is determined by the appropriate commission. And you can easily occupy any position according to your skills, abilities and physical data.

For many young people, military service with allits reasonable limitations, with discipline and strict order becomes not a burden, because they find a case in which are good, which they were engaged before the army. You need to choose only based on your abilities, and not on the principle "what's easier", then the service will seem easy and interesting.

Civil and alternative positions in the army

Medical and consumer services for soldiers,material and technical support, repair and construction and cultural and leisure activities are carried out by civilian employees in the army. These auxiliary functions ensure the full functioning of the military unit.

Alternative same service providesfinding a draftee not in a military unit, but at a state enterprise, where he works 18 or 21 months. At this time, the citizen is deprived of the right to additional earnings. It is protected by the Labor Code, but it is not possible to terminate the employment contract on a personal initiative. Only citizens recognized as fit for military service can be drawn to such work.

Obtaining a specialty before starting the service

You can get a military specialty beforethe beginning of conscription into the army. Such training can get young men at the age of 17 years, including students of vocational schools, technical schools, colleges. Selection is carried out by the military commissariat with the help of representatives of educational organizations. They form lists of citizens and an indication of military specialties, on which they will be trained.

Before the start of the training, amedical examination and interview. Young people must comply with the chosen army and have no previous convictions. At the end of the training, the graduate already has the position of driver of cars or military vehicles, driver-mechanic, electrical driver, specialist in the operation of various equipment (aerodrome mobile electric generators, gas producing and charging stations, etc.).

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