/ / Declaration of fire safety. The organization's fire safety declaration: a sample

Declaration of fire safety. The organization's fire safety declaration: a sample

The fire safety declaration was introduced by the Federal Law№123. The existence of such a document allows the owner to independently determine the requirements for the construction and develop instructions within the framework of the law. Let's consider further how the declaration of fire safety of the organization is made out. A sample of the document will also be presented in the article.

fire safety declaration

General information

Article 2 of the above-mentioned Law providesan explanation of the concept under consideration. In particular, the fire safety declaration of the organization is a form of assessing the conformity of the structure to the established norms. It includes a set of acts that are mandatory for execution by the owner and the persons exploiting the building. The fire safety declaration of the facility contains information aimed at ensuring the safety of the health and life of natural persons, as well as property located in the enterprise.

Required Activities

According to Art. 64 ФЗ №123, the owner of the object must evaluate:

  • Estimated damage in case of fire. This analysis can be expressed as liability insurance.
  • Fire risk building.

Both these activities are reflected in a special form andare integral parts of the documentation. The assessment of fire risk is carried out by an expert organization and recorded in the relevant conclusion. The estimated damage is determined by the owner himself. He can also attach a copy of the insurance policy to the documentation.

fire safety declaration

Building Categories

Declaration of fire safety issuedconcerning the structures listed in Art. 64 ФЗ №123. In particular, they include buildings of class F 1.1, as well as those for which it is prescribed to conduct state expertise of project documents. Institutions that must have a fire safety declaration:

  • Schools, DOW and other educational institutions.
  • Hospitals.
  • Dormitory buildings of boarding schools.
  • Specialized homes for the disabled and the elderly.

Declaration of fire safety is drawn upalso on production facilities for industrial and agricultural purposes. These include, in particular, warehouses, energy institutions, communications, transport and other enterprises.

fire safety declaration

Declaration of fire safety: requirements of technical regulations

The documentation should:

  1. Include an analysis of fire danger and calculation of possible damage to other persons because of fire.
  2. To be registered on the whole building completely or on its separate elements (buildings, buildings, premises).
  3. To be drafted and submitted to the supervisory authority directly by the owner of the facility or by a person to whom he belongs by right of lifelong inheritance, management or operational management.
  4. It is submitted in the order of notification to the fire control service prior to putting the facility into operation.
  5. To be specified or re-created when the requirements of the technical regulations or data contained in the documentation are changed. The adjustments made must be registered in due course.
  6. It is made by the developer or the person preparing the project documentation, if the building is only being designed.

fire safety declaration of the facility

The form of the declaration is established by the Law. Change its owner is not allowed. A declaration is made in 2 copies, which must be signed by the owner of the structure. Documentation is sent to the territorial department of the Ministry of Emergencies and Civil Defense.

Information for development

The fire declaration must include the following information:

  1. Name of the enterprise, its organizational and legal category.
  2. The actual address of the organization where the risk assessment will be carried out.
  3. Acts of deviations from the norms.
  4. Information on the appointment of the institution and its elements for which documentation is being developed.
  5. Information about the staff of the company's employees.
  6. Information on the maximum quantity and types of substances available in the construction and used in production.
  7. Features of the technological process, the specifics of production, fire safety of operations.
    fire safety declaration
  8. Information about the land on which the building is located.
  9. Plan BTI for all buildings for which a declaration is made, with a list of technical, qualitative and quantitative features.
  10. Information about the climate of the region where the enterprise is located.
  11. The main features of architectural, constructive and space-planning buildings.
  12. Specificity of engineering equipment in the building,concerning which the development of documentation is carried out. This section describes the location of water and electricity, gas pipelines, ventilation, lightning rods and so on.
  13. Information on availability and serviceability of the APZ, contracts for maintenance of devices.
  14. Information on the state of the primary means of extinguishing.
  15. Information about the work on the territory of the enterprise of special units and groups providing fire safety.
  16. Information about the presence near the building of reservoirs with water or natural reservoirs.
  17. Local acts in the sphere of PB.
  18. Data on the passage by personnel of targeted and other briefings on fire safety.

fire safety declaration

Tasks of the authorized body

The Ministry of Emergency Situations keeps records of declarations forpaper carriers and in electronic form. The authorized persons make the necessary adjustments in the list, enter the data on the declarations within 1 working day from the date of assignment of the registration number documentation. Employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations are checking the correctness of filling in the papers. If there are no inconsistencies with the established requirements, the declaration is registered by entering the necessary information into the list. If there are shortcomings, the documentation is returned to the owner with the reasoning of the reasoned reasons for not accepting it. Not later than 3 days after the date of the declaration, one copy is sent to the owner of the structure, the other remains in the subdivision of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Registration number

It is assigned to each adopted declaration. The structure of the room is divided into three parts. The first consists of the digital meaning of the locality and the code of the region of the Russian Federation on the territory of which the structure is located. The second part is the serial number of the documentation. The last figures indicate the code of the supervisory-observation case.

fire safety declaration sample

Declaration of fire safety: validity period

The period during which the documentation hasforce, will depend on the scheme of its compilation and the declared products. The law defines a maximum term of 5 years. It can be installed using the 4d circuit. Documentation can be issued for a limited amount of products. In such situations, its validity period is not specified - the securities are recognized as one-time. When using the 2d or 1d declaration schemes, it is allowed to set a period of not more than a year. If form 3e is used, the validity period is not more than 3 years. The enterprise's products can be in great demand, or the management does not plan to manufacture other products, except those that it already produces. In these cases, experts recommend that the documentation be drawn up for the maximum period allowed by law. If the company does not have confidence in stable serial production, then it is more expedient to draft a declaration for a period of not more than a year.

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