/ / What documents are needed for tax deduction

What documents are required for tax deduction

Not everyone knows that when buying an apartment ownerhas the right to recover some of the funds spent. And even more so do not know on what terms the money is returned, in what terms and what documents are needed for the tax deduction. The maximum tax deduction can be 13% of the cost of the apartment, but can not exceed 260 thousand rubles. It turns out that the maximum cost of an apartment with which you can get this compensation is two million rubles.

True, this system has severalsignificant disadvantages. Firstly, a tax deduction can only be obtained once in a life in proportion to the share in the apartment. In other words, if a purchased odnushka worth 1.5 million is registered in equal shares with a husband and wife, then each of the spouses will receive 97 with a small number of thousands.

The second negative - the amount is not paid immediately, andparts, the amount of which depends on the amount of taxes paid for the past period. In other words, if the owner of housing for 2011 paid 30 thousand taxes, then in 2012 he can receive 30 thousand tax deductions.

The third minus is the documents for grantingtax deduction can be filed only the next year after the year of signing the contract. Simply put, if the contract for an apartment was signed in December 2012, then you can go for compensation in March-April 2013. And if you bought an apartment in May 2013, then documents for tax deduction can be filed only in March-April 2014 , that is, almost a year later.

The fourth minus - compensation can be obtainedonly once in a life, the truth, under the last changes parents can receive money for the minor children if to them shares in apartments have been allocated.

From positive points, it can be noted thata deduction can be obtained not only from the amount paid for the apartment, but also from interest on the mortgage, of course if they do not exceed in the aggregate 2 million.

What documents are needed for the property tax deduction for mortgage lending?

1. The contract of sale of an apartment.

2. A signed loan agreement.

3. Notification of the borrower about the transfer of rights to the apartment by mortgage.

4. Copy of the birth certificate of the child (children).

5. Certificate of state registration of immovable property from the registration chamber.

6. Payment orders from the bank about payment for the purchased apartment (initial and final installments).

7. Schedule of interest repayment and certificate of repaid interest for the tax period.

8. Certificate of income 2-NDFL.

9. Requisites of the account in the Savings Bank, on which the deduction will be calculated.

10. Photocopies of all pages of the passport.

If an apartment is acquired in a marriage,In addition, the following documents for the tax deduction will be required: a copy of the marriage certificate and an application for refusal to receive a tax deduction (if the spouse can not or does not want to receive it) or, conversely, an application for compensation from its share. In addition, you need to bring a completed declaration of 3-NDFL, which can be obtained both in the tax itself, and download it from the site. When the owner comes to file documents for tax deduction, an application for transfer of funds to the specified account and a request for a deduction is already written on the spot. By the way, according to the latest changes in the legislation, a new owner of an apartment can receive a refund of money not in a single large sum, but in small shares on a monthly basis, equal to 13% of his salary. In fact, he will simply not pay income tax for a while.

Do not forget that the deduction is formalized withpaid taxes. If the owner / owner of the apartment does not pay taxes, for example, works in an enterprise with a salary "in envelopes" or is on maternity leave, the money will not be returned. If only one of the spouses receives a high "white" salary, then to get the maximum deduction it makes sense to fully arrange the housing for it.

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