/ / Property tax credit for an apartment. Apartment in mortgage: tax deduction

Property tax credit for an apartment. Apartment in mortgage: tax deduction

When buying a house, a tax deduction forapartment. It consists of several parts, but is invariably present and constitutes a considerable amount. To properly work with this aspect, you need to study its features.

apartment tax credit

What does the tax deduction consist of?

There are three components, of which there is a tax deduction for an apartment:

  1. On a new construction or purchase of a ready-made building facility of the Russian Federation or a certain share, land plot.
  2. On the return of interest on borrowed loans that were taken in organizations operating in Russia, or from private entrepreneurs.
  3. To reduce interest on loans that are taken in banks, when the amount is engaged in the construction or purchase of a ready share in housing.

Amount of tax deduction

Tax deduction for an apartment in the maximumthe amount can be obtained with the purchase of an apartment worth 2,000,000 rubles. If the total purchase amount is more, the tax deduction is still calculated from 2,000,000 rubles. The largest amount of deduction can be applied to both the acquired property object and their group.

When to purchase your own home will bethe credit is taken, the tax deduction for an apartment is calculated from the maximum amount of 3,000,000 rubles. This amount is spent not to cover the costs associated with the purchase of an apartment, but to pay the loan taken. Restrictions on the tax deduction apply to loans that were taken after January 1, 2014.

If a person who is a taxpayer has not received all the payments in full, then the rest of the money he has the opportunity to receive on the occurrence of each next tax period.

tax deduction for apartment documents

Charges for calculating tax deductions

When new construction is carried out or property is acquired in the finished house, such expenses are determined:

  1. Designing documents for which projects are implemented and estimates are calculated.
  2. Acquisition of various materials for the construction of buildings and additional structures.
  3. Acquisition of a dwelling, taking into account the cases when unfinished housing is bought.
  4. Implementation of construction and finishing of structural elements.
  5. Organization of a complete line of communications, including the supply of light, water and gas.

Calculation of the tax deduction for the purchase of an apartment

The amount of the tax deduction includes such components:

  1. Acquisition of living quarters.
  2. Purchase rights to a particular property in a house that has not yet been completed.
  3. Purchase of all necessary materials for construction.
  4. Finishing works that are useddirectly on the site, purchased exclusively for housing. Also in this item is the design of documentation, which determines the estimate for the entire list of additional works related to the completion and finishing of living quarters.

In order to take into account the amount in the tax deduction,which goes to the end of construction and facing the premises, it is necessary to specify in the contract for the purchase of housing that the house has not yet been completed. Other expenses that are not included in the list do not matter when compiling a tax deduction. If you need a product of redevelopment, purchase of furniture and sanitary equipment, registration of all necessary transactions, then all these citizens are required to sell for personal money. When the purchase of an apartment by a pensioner is carried out, the tax deduction is automatically calculated only in the case of its active work and official employment.

get a tax deduction for an apartment

Tax deduction is not used in some situations

Cases in which a tax deduction is not taken into account:

  1. In the case where payment for construction or finished housing was made on behalf of employers or any other persons, from the part of the amount of maternity capital or finance that are in the budget.
  2. If the standard contract for the sale of an apartment is signed between relatives, that is, interdependent parties.

The exact amount of tax deduction

If the property was acquired in an equityproperty only before January 1, 2014, the amount of the tax deduction will be equally divided between its owners. After this time, this privilege is canceled. The property deduction is distributed to each owner, depending on which specific part of the expenses it incurred in acquiring a particular real estate.

When parents purchase housing with children,they have the right to refuse to distribute the tax deduction to parts, but to take the whole amount, as it goes to one family. Sometimes the purchase of housing under the contract of barter with payment. In this case, the tax deduction is also distributed according to all parameters, since the conclusion of this agreement does not contradict the law, in particular, the provisions of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

The property that both spouses buy afterthe conclusion of marriage, is recognized as their common property, so the tax deduction is given to them without offices. In this case, the amount is divided by mutual agreement.

apartment in mortgage tax deduction

How to get a tax deduction?

In order to receive a tax deduction, you must be a taxpayer and perform the following actions:

  1. There is a thorough filling of the declaration, guided by a single form of 3-NDFL.
  2. A certificate from the accounting department is sent, which must be taken at the place of work. It indicates the amounts received and withheld. It is developed according to the uniform form of 2-NDFL.

When the tax deduction for an apartment is calculated, the documents are prepared in such a list:

  1. Evidence of registrationproperty rights, which is necessary for the independent acquisition of a fully constructed residential building, as well as a construction site in the process of completion.
  2. Contract confirming the acquisitionapartment or room, as well as the act of transferring a full apartment or share in it. A certificate of registration of ownership is also suitable. The list of documents varies depending on the type of transaction.
  3. When the purchase of land is carried out,on which a certain building will be erected by its own strength, it is necessary to provide a certificate of registration of the property right, composed exclusively on the land acquired.

buying an apartment tax deduction documents

Copies of payment documents

When taking into account the tax deduction for an apartment, the documents must necessarily be collected and systematized:

  1. Confirmation that the taxpayerpurchased property for personal money. To do this, you need to produce certain papers. These are various receipts, which are paid for by the incoming orders, bank statements that confirm the transfer of funds from the taxpayer's account to the seller's account; cash or commodity checks; acts confirming the facts of the purchase of certain goods from individuals, where necessary must be entered the necessary information about the seller - those that are contained in the passport.
  2. Evidence of good paycredit or interest accrued upon the conclusion of a loan agreement. This category includes the apartment in the mortgage. The tax deduction is calculated according to a special plan. If there are no cash vouchers, in this case such documents may be special statements, as well as certificates from the organization that was engaged in issuing a loan, that all the necessary interest was paid. When buying an apartment, tax deduction documents (more precisely, their availability) provides for in full.

apartment purchase by a pensioner tax deduction

Documents for the purchase of an apartment in a joint ownership

When there is a purchase of housing in joint ownership, it is necessary to provide such documents:

  1. A copy of the certificate confirming the marriage.
  2. Written agreement, which is an application for charging each side of a part of the tax deduction, equivalent to the spent financial means or appointed by personal agreement.

Property tax deduction for an apartment when applying to an employer

If you turn to the employer, the taxthe deduction is allowed to be received before the end of this tax period, however, the right to receive this privilege must first be confirmed with the tax authority. To carry out such an event, the taxpayer is obliged:

  1. Write a special application. Tax deduction for an apartment can be obtained only after it is filed. It indicates the claim for the right to receive a tax deduction based on the listed facts.
  2. It is necessary to prepare copies of all documents without which you can not get a tax deduction for an apartment.
  3. Transfer to the tax authority at the place of permanentregistration correctly and accurately completed application with a pre-assembled and systematized package of necessary documentation. All papers must be in excellent condition so that you can easily get a tax deduction for an apartment.
  4. After a month, get permission fromtax authority to receive the entire amount of tax deduction. This will happen if all the rules are met, and the person has provided the full package of documents, otherwise the process of forming and receiving a tax deduction can become more complicated and protracted.

application tax deduction for an apartment

To get a property tax deduction forapartment, you need to collect a full package of documents and always contact the tax authority. The amount will be provided only if all conditions relating to the purchase of property and the filing of the application have been fulfilled. Then a person or group of people is waiting for a fairly large sum of money.

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