Computer crimes and their classification
With the development of information technology,so-called computer crimes have spread. They are not insured by anyone: neither ordinary users, nor even secret services. A computer connected to the Internet is a priori in danger. Sometimes even powerful antivirus programs can not save.

Information can be considered as non-materialan object that, nevertheless, has a certain value. And it includes not only the work of someone who worked on its creation and implementation, but also the benefits that can be obtained by using it. That is why information offenses are so common - they are capable of bringing a considerable amount of money.
Computer crimes can be committed as into the devices themselves (both material objects) and to various programs and databases. By the way, this type of offense is not fixed by law. Today the list of crimes related to computers is growing steadily. Let's list the main ones.
Types of computer crimes
- unauthorized access to information resources and their interception. For example, hacking sites and the subsequent change of information on them;
- fraud. Often these are all kinds of ads, the main idea of which is that you need to send money to an unknown purse. Arguments can be different, starting from "and you will get back the amount twice as large" and ending with "a person needs help";
- removal of protection from the softwareInternet slang - "cracking"). This computer crime is committed for the further free use of certain facilities. The same term denotes a situation where the licensed version of the program (movie, book, etc.) was first legally acquired, and after that it began to spread in a pirated way on the network;
- unauthorized distributioncharacter) of all sorts of messages - from advertising to viral. These computer crimes in the people were called "spam." Fortunately, today almost everyone knows what it is, and do not fall for the bait of scammers;
- receipt of third-party credentials by illegalway to use the Internet. This can also be attributed to the acquisition of pages in social. networks and reading the user's private messages. In some situations, such computer crimes may well lead to criminal liability. And although there are no laws according to which a person should be punished for committing an offense in this sphere, such cases can be regarded as "intrusion into personal space". Likewise, law enforcement agencies operate in other situations involving computer crime;
- carrying out various kinds of actions that areremote computer entail "denial of service", the hang of the PC, perhaps even partial or complete loss of information. At the same time, the offender has administrator rights on the "hacked" computer.