/ / Size of minimum wage: answers to frequently asked questions

The size of the minimum wage: answers to frequently asked questions

Our current material is aa selection of the most frequently asked questions about the minimum wage and the answers to them. So, read carefully - maybe you do not know much yet.

1. What is the amount of the minimum wage?

The last determination of the size of such is dated June 2011 and is 4,611 rubles / month.

2. SMIC - is it one or there may be several?

Several. The minimum salary, set at the federal level and at the regional level, is two different figures.

3. What is not included in the minimum wage?

In the minimum wage, the amount of which can not be lowerestablished in the country's subsistence minimum (although this principle, alas, we do not observe), does not include: surcharges, surcharges, bonuses, other social, incentive and compensatory payments.

4. Is there a minimum wage attached to the number of hours worked?

Of course. The size of the minimum wage is calculated for the worked out completely monthly rate of time and subject to the fulfillment of labor duties (labor standards). So, a normal schedule of working hours a week should not exceed forty hours.

5. Does anyone else in addition to government bodies participate in the discussion of SMIC?

SMIC federal level is established onlygovernment and no one else. But the lower wage threshold in the regions is the result of a tripartite agreement between the authorities, employers and trade union organizations.

6. What is the basis for determining the Russian SMIC size?

The size of the minimum wage is established proceeding from the analysis of information about:

- the needs of workers, as well as their families;

- the general level of wages in Russia;

- the cost of living and the trends of change in it;

- social security benefits;

- the comparative standard of living of other social groups;

- economic factors, in particular, the requirements of economic development, the level of labor productivity, the desirability of achieving high levels of employment in the country and their maintenance.

7. What is the poverty line (cost of living)?

The subsistence minimum, determined by the governmentin June 2011, is 6,473 rubles / month. This poverty line is an estimate in terms of value of the minimum necessary set of food products, non-food products, services that a person needs in order to maintain his health, provide livelihoods and make mandatory fees and payments (in particular, utilities).

8. How many people receive a minimum wage in our labor market?

In general, in our country there is no officialThere are no statistics on this. But here's what Rosstat can tell us. For the first quarter of 2011, 16% of the population were below the poverty threshold, which is almost 23 million people. Comparing with 2010, it is worth noting that this figure, unfortunately, increased by 2 million.

9. Who controls the extent to which the minimum wage is observed by employers?

These regulatory bodies are:

- tax and labor inspections (federal level);

- social insurance fund;

- the prosecutor's office.

10. What sanctions can be applied if the legislation on the minimum wage is violated, and how many precedents?

If there are violations of the deadline and procedure for the payment of salaries, the following penalties will be imposed on those responsible:

- 1-5 thousand rubles for individual entrepreneurs;

- 30-50 thousand rubles. for organizations.

Accurate statistics on this subject.No, however, according to the Prosecutor General’s Office in 2010, about 800 thousand violations of the law were stopped and more than 51 thousand offenders who were not considered with the law were brought to justice. According to the results of work, 832 heads of organizations and enterprises were disqualified for repeated violations.

11. If an employee is paid a salary level below the minimum wage, where should he apply?

In this case, ask the personnel department for help.about incomes and attach it to the complaint with the essence of the question stated in it. Apply to the trade union operating at your enterprise, or send it to the labor inspectorate. As an option, try to discuss it with an accountant, the management of your company (preferably in writing).

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