/ / Enforcement: the main stages and parties

Executive Proceedings: major stages and parties

Executive production is an order,established by law and aimed at implementing acts of jurisdictional bodies. He is compulsory. Its main goal is to protect the violated rights or interests. At the same time, it is necessary to clearly distinguish between the enforcement proceedings and the execution of judicial decisions. Since the latter do not always need to be committed, and not for all decisions, a compulsory nature of application is necessary. For example, the recognition of ownership can be performed both through registration with the competent authority and through the presentation of a document confirming the right. In addition, decisions involving state coercion may be enforced both on a voluntary basis and forcibly, but without the involvement of, for example, bailiffs.

Executive Proceedings
Executive production is regulated by the Federal Law "Onenforcement proceedings ", Federal Law" On bailiffs ", as well as other acts that establish the procedure and conditions for compulsory activation. For example, the Family Code, which defines the order of execution of a court decision on disputes related to the upbringing of children and to the procedure for paying alimony. At the same time, the execution of punishment in the form of fines and convictions of the court for the confiscation of property is defined by the Penal Enforcement Code.

The main participants are the parties, the court, the prosecutor, the bodies, representatives

Suspension of enforcement proceedings
parties and other persons who take part in theenforcement of law enforcement acts or facilitate the executive process. The parties in such proceedings are the debtor and the recoverer. The latter is an organization or a citizen in whose favor a document is issued. The debtor is a subject obligated under the executive contract to perform the necessary actions.

It should be noted that enforcement proceedingscan not begin by itself. This requires the presence of cause and reason. The last is the entry into force of the judicial decision. The reason for this is the submission to the Bailiff Service of the application with the executive document attached to it. Only when

Termination of enforcement proceedings
presence of these two components of the bailiff begins its work in relation to a particular case.

However, sometimes situations arise that requiresuspension of enforcement proceedings. If, until recently, this action could only be carried out by a court, then, according to the new rules, the bailiff also has the right to do so. Moreover, the suspension may concern the entire scope of the case, but only parts. It can also be voluntary or mandatory.

Mandatory suspension of the executiveproduction occurs when a suit is filed for release from property seizure, challenging the results of its evaluation and the enforcement officer's decision, as well as in other cases provided for by the legislative act. If such proceedings were suspended, then it may be renewed by the determination of that court in whose jurisdiction the bailiff discharges his duties.

Termination of enforcement proceedings is possiblebailiff-executor in cases where there was an actual fulfillment of the requirements, as well as when liquidating the debtor organization. This action is carried out by the court as a result of the death of the recoverer, with the loss of the possibility of execution, as well as when the claimant refuses to receive the thing that was seized from the debtor.

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