/ How to get a baby's birth certificate

How to get a baby's birth certificate

Replenishment in the family always entailsjoyous efforts to arrange a new person's life. Where will he live, how will he develop, sleep, eat and other issues. However, no less important is the issue of registration of documents of a new citizen of our country. The very first and most important document for the coming years will be a certificate of his birth for him. Most likely, parents, taking the crumb from the maternity hospital, have already discussed and decided on the name of the baby. Then the next step will be to document it. How to get a birth certificate, many parents already know. However, in this rather simple matter there are some nuances.

To obtain a birth certificate, you shouldTo address in department of the REGISTRY OFFICE located in that place where parents are registered. It should be borne in mind that it is the local Civil Registry Office that has the right to issue a birth certificate. Therefore, do not expect the registration of the baby documented in the institution where the wedding ceremony took place, if a registrar was chosen for registering the marriage, referring to another district.

Even knowing how to get a birth certificate,Do not leave your newborn for a long time without your first document. After all, it can be required in the very near future - when registering citizenship, medical insurance and residence permit. In addition, the law provides for a maximum period for processing this document in one month's length. Since it is quite easy to get a birth certificate, parents can delay the campaign in the registry office in the turmoil of the first weeks of a baby's life in a new world for him. As a rule, the employees of the Civil Registry Office will issue a certificate to their parents on the day of treatment. In addition, there is no need to attend both parents, therefore, most often the father receives the first document on the newborn.

What documents are required for registration

When registering a certificate in the registry office will need to produce a small package of documents:

  • certificate of the birth of the baby, issued in the maternity hospital;
  • parents' passports (originals);
  • certificate of marriage (if the parents are married);
  • application (on the form of the registry office).

These documents will be enough to issue a birth certificate.

Which columns are recorded in the document

First of all, in the birth certificate,finally, he will obtain the official status of the child's name, his surname and patronymic will be fixed. Based on the certificate from the hospital, the date of birth will be entered in the document. Paternity and the fact of motherhood will be established.

In relation to paternity, there are somedetails that will affect the scheme, how to obtain a birth certificate of the child. For example, there are times when a baby is born out of wedlock. In this case, knowing how to get a certificate, parents can rid themselves of empty attempts to register a baby. This requires the presence of both parents. Immediately, in the registry office, paternity will be established, an appropriate act will be drawn up, which will become the justification for filling in the column "Father" in the birth certificate. If the newborn's mother, being unmarried, does not want to enter information about the father of the child, then the document will contain a dash, and the woman will from that moment become a single mother.

In addition, on the same day, together withthe certificate will be issued a birth certificate under Form 24, which will be required later, when making payments on the fact of the birth of the baby. In the parents' passports, there will be a record of the birth of a son or daughter, which will continue until the child reaches the age of majority.

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