What kind of documents should be collected for a new passport?
Many, probably, heard the statement of one of thethe most wonderful American writers Samuel Langhorne Clemens (better known as Mark Twain) that on his deathbed a man will regret only two things: that he loved little in life and traveled a little. About the first thing, we will not talk, this refers to the spirituality of man, and here everything is not so simple. But the second regret is very easy to avoid. It is enough to want to go on a trip, collect documents for a passport (a new sample or old one - it does not matter, they both act), get a travel document and go ahead - conquer new places!
What passport to make out - an old or a new sample?
The main document of a resident of the Russian Federation outside the countryis considered a foreign passport. It can contain electronic media with personal biometric data of a citizen of Russia (a new passport) or be made in the usual for all paper form (old-style passport). The main difference between these two types of passports is their validity period: biometric - 10 years, usual - 5 years. In addition, a new passport can not be faked, because it contains fingerprints of the owner. But for the advantages and pay is 2.5 times more: for a passport with biometric data, the state tax is 2500 rubles, without - 1000 rubles.
Documents for a new passport
The procedures for obtaining and the set of documents for the ordinary and biometric passports are different, but insignificant. What documents are needed for a new passport for a full-time citizen?
The first thing you need is, of course, the maindocument of a citizen of the Russian state - passport with residence permit. You can make copies of all the pages in advance (even those where there is no information), since they will still be asked to do this. The passport office should take the form of the application form and fill it in two copies. It is necessary to take a photo in advance. In the photo studio are aware of what requirements for photos for overseas travel documents are presented, so it's enough just to say why you need them.
What other documents for issuing a passportDo you need a new model? Take a work book with you (or a resume if it is not in your hands), since you will need to indicate in the questionnaire all the information about the work activity. If there is an old foreign passport, take with him and him (for replacement). Recently, men of military age do not need to take a certificate from the military registration and enlistment office (this will be done by the employees of the FMS themselves, sending an official request). In documents for a new passport for a pensioner is also included a pension certificate (or better - just a copy of it). You should also attach to everything else a receipt for payment of the fee.
If you have any questions about the designor you want to clarify which documents for a new passport need a new model in your particular case, you can call the FMS and get advice. Or, even easier, make an application through the Internet resource of public services in Russia and get a list of documents specifically for you by e-mail.