Housing legislation as part of the legislative system of the Russian Federation
Housing legislation is onefrom the forms of expression of housing law, based on the provision by the government authorities (local self-government bodies) of the necessary conditions for the citizens of the country to exercise their right to housing, its inviolability and security. The main component of the housing legislation is a set of normative legal acts and laws that regulate all public relations related to housing, its system represents a set of federal laws with the laws of the subjects of the Russian Federation, regulations and separate provisions of the Constitution of the country.
In legal law, there are two sources of housing law:
- Federal laws on housing, adopted at the level of the whole country and equally valid in all its regions.
- The laws of the subjects of the federation and the regulatory and legal acts of local self-government bodies operating in a single territory - in a certain subject of the Russian Federation or in the region of a subject of the Russian Federation.
Housing legislation of the Russian Federation is inextricably linked withits Constitution. For the first time the right of every single citizen of our country to own housing began talking in 1977, when the new Constitution of the USSR was adopted.
Before talking in detail about the standards of housingthe legislation of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to define the notion of dwelling. As we know, Russia is a very multinational country. Some people in the north dwelt as a dwelling, the nomadic people from ancient times lived in yurts, or kibits. Natural hiding places of nature, for example, caves, also represented a dwelling for an ancient man. However, modern housing legislation provides for the following definition of housing. This term is usually called a special room, or a structure designed to accommodate people in it. It can be a separate house, apartment or room with an adjacent auxiliary area - bathroom, kitchen, corridor, etc. Schools, hospitals and other buildings erected by man can not be considered a home, despite the fact that they can live or stay for a long time. In the constitutional aspect, the dwelling is viewed not only as a kind of living quarters, but also as a specific place that has precise geographical coordinates, that is, an address. We can say that the dwelling of a particular person is always located in the place where he predominantly or permanently resides.
Housing legislation of any countryprovides for the right of a person to housing. The ethical aspect of this right determines the requirements of the country's society, according to which each person should have his rightful place, a roof over his head and not be forced to wander and vagrancy. The legal aspect is the formulation of the legal principle that determines the actions of the branches of power in relation to the subjects of housing legal relations.
In 2011, the President of the Russian Federation signed a newThe federal law, which combines everything new in housing legislation and provides for amendments to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. The main provisions of this Federal Law are aimed at solving the housing problems of large families. Also, the new legislation provides for changing the rules for providing public services to citizens of the country.
Housing legislation is an inalienablepart of the modern legislative system of the country. The basic right of every citizen of the country to housing is enshrined in the Constitution. The alienation of housing in favor of the state can be made only in exceptional cases by a court decision.