/ / Numeric codes of the country of origin. What is it and why are they needed?

Numeric codes of the country of origin. What is it and why are they needed?

At the moment, almost all statesuse specific rules to determine the country of origin of the goods. This helps to implement trade and economic policies and, in particular, the provision of tariff preferences.

The name of the place of origin of the goods isspecific data on the name of the country, locality or other geographical object, which is used for marking goods. These data indicate the characteristic technological, geographic conditions for the manufacture of goods, as well as the human factor.

Digital codes of country of origin

Digital codes are information in a digital form,which is applied to goods to simplify and automate the recording of information about them. This makes it possible to significantly reduce the processing time of data. The digital codes of the country of origin must necessarily be present on transport and consumer packages.

What is the country code for when identifying the goods

Numeric codes of the country of origin of goodshelp determine by the special digital signage where the products were made, according to the existing All-Russian classifier of the countries of the world. If the code contains letters, the information is analyzed according to the Classifier of Economic Unions and Communities. But the code letter is placed only when in the information on the goods, whether the marking of cargo or transport-accompanying documents, only an economic union or commonwealth is indicated.

Digital code of country of origin

The country of origin of the goods is the country in which the goods were manufactured or subjected to sufficient processing.

What does code look like?

Digital code of country of originis a two- or three-digit alphabetic designation of the country of the world. For example, goods that come from Italy have the following designations: 380, IT or ITA. Environments of other not less important international partners of the Russian Federation should be allocated to Germany and the Netherlands, the digital codes of the country of origin of goods are as follows: 276, DE, DEU and 538, NL and NLD respectively. Cargoes from China have the code 156, CH or CHN. But you should pay attention to the fact that goods that come from Hong Kong have separate codes - 344, HK or HKG, since it has the status of a special administrative region.

Country of origin of goods digital code

By specifying the digital code of the country of origingoods, it is desirable to use not only a digital notation, but also an alphabetic one. This is due to the fact that the letter designation does not always coincide with the codes of Rosreestr. When preparing the declarations, the digital codes of the country of origin of the goods are indicated without fail.

Digital Identification

If the goods indicate the country of origin of the goods, the digital code goes first.

Assignment of figures to the countries of the world occurred using the ordinal copy method.

When choosing a digital code and alphabetic one should prefer the digital one. Even when you change the name of the country, its numeric code does not change, and the alphabetic code can change.

Alphanumeric identification of goods

In some cases, even when specifying digitalcodes, it is recommended to use the alphabetic classifier. It can consist of two or three letters of the Latin alphabet. In this case, alphabetic codes represent a set of letters that are associated with the name of the country in English or other languages.

Digital Origin Code Russia

If the item code is not alphabetic, but alphabetic,then it should consist of two letters when it comes to international exchanges. Special three-digit codes are indicated only in cases where the competent authorities have determined this.

Classification of goods in Russia

The world classifier of Rosstandart hassome differences in the names of countries, territories and geographical objects that are used in dictionaries and geographic maps. But, according to the Russian government's decision No. 457, which came into force on June 1, 2009, Rosreestr is responsible for the correct name of geographical names and is an authorized executive body in this area.

In Russia there is its all-Russianclassifier of countries of the world (OCSM). It specifies a digital code, the name of the product and letter identification. Such codes are used in the exchange of information, during the implementation of cultural, sports, economic, scientific international relations.

The digital code of an origin of the goods Russia

The objects of the OCMM are countries of the world,territories and sovereign states that have historical, economic, political features and are of interest for transport, foreign trade operations, etc.

A product is considered to be produced in the Russian Federation if it was created on the territory of the state or if sufficient processing of the goods was carried out.

Inability to determine the code of origin of goods

There are situations when you determinethe country-producer of a specific product, which is sold on the territory of the Russian Federation, is practically impossible. We are talking about imported imported goods sold in Russia. Therefore in such cases it is necessary to indicate in the column "The digital code of the country of origin" - Russia.

For example, if a Russian company purchasedimport equipment, dismantled for spare parts and sells them on the territory of their state, how to label it? In this case, the country of origin of these goods will be the state where the processing was carried out. Therefore, you must specify the digital code of the country of origin of the goods - Russia.

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