/ / Bosch - laser range finder PLR 15. Review, features and reviews

Bosch - Rangefinder Laser PLR 15. Review, features and reviews

Transition to new and technologically more advanceddecisions are often accompanied by certain costs. In the construction industry, two such factors can be distinguished: an increase in financial costs and the need for retraining. This is especially true for the measuring instrument, which is endowed with sophisticated functionality and, of course, is much more expensive than conventional levels, roulettes and levels. Nevertheless, in the lineup of each manufacturer there are border solutions, which combine the same ergonomics and new possibilities - Bosch did not become an exception. The laser range finder PLR 15 is a device with a familiar electronic control scheme, but at the same time with a modern operating principle.

General information about the device

bosch laser range finder plr 15

This is a rangefinder of household purpose,oriented on the solution of typical tasks for measuring distances. The model is made in the traditional styling of Bosch construction tools. The green color of the hull again hints at belonging to a non-professional niche, the design itself is optimized to modest sizes, and the controls were extremely simplified compared to higher-range range finders. As can be seen from the name, the device is capable of measuring up to 15 m. On the construction site, of course, this may not be enough for full-fledged work, but inside the premises it is quite acceptable. In general, it can be stated that the German developers offer a good and ergonomic in use laser rangefinder Bosch PLR 15. Its price is 3 thousand rubles. may seem excessively high, but the convenience and the time saved during the measurement can recoup this investment.

Feeding the range finder

If that separates the technical and operationalthe stylistics of the performance of this instrument from the general concept of Bosch, it is a power system. The manufacturer not only adheres to the most advanced technological solutions in the construction market, but sometimes he himself sets the fashion for ideas that are most often positively encountered by the consumer. At the same time, electronic measuring instruments and electric hand-held devices for drilling, cutting and other operations have long been switched to battery power sources. In turn, the laser rangefinder Bosch PLR 15 is powered by alkaline-manganese batteries. For them, there is a special compartment in the case, supplemented with convenient locks.

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Why is this solution inferior to batteries? First, it is not rational in terms of financial costs. With regular use of lithium-ion blocks are more economical. First, the battery is more practical and reliable, as with a timely charge, the user can forget about the power system for several days, while the batteries with which the Bosch PLR 15 laser rangefinder is equipped can lead at a time when you do not expect it.


The model is still different from many competitiveanalogues and for a number of operational operating parameters. This applies to the functionality and design of the display. But more detailed information about the capabilities of the device will help the technical characteristics:

  • Range of measurement is 15 m.
  • The length of the laser wave is 635 nm.
  • The laser level is 2.
  • The number of reporting points is 1.
  • The measurement error is 3 mm.
  • The voltage of the batteries is 1.5 V.
  • The size of the batteries is AAA.
  • The number of batteries is 2.
  • Weight - 0,08 kg.
  • The dimensions of the device are 20.5x10x5.5 cm.

When assessing the apparatus for expediencyhis purchase for specific tasks is important to take into account a few nuances. First, the range of 15 m is conditional - we can say, the marketing move of Bosch. The range finder laser PLR 15 makes a small indentation of about 15 mm, from which the measurement begins. To exclude this indentation and reach the full 15 m the user will also have to acquire a special reflector for the rangefinders - they are in the manufacturer's range. Secondly, this model is not intended for tourism and hunting. Its optimal place of operation - indoors or outdoors in conditions of security.

laser rangefinder bosch plr 15

Technological features

Despite serious limitations, the device hasthan boast in terms of functionality and technological support. It is enough to note the possibility of visualizing data. The range finder reflects on the small display all the measurements made, connecting to the process background illumination and clear indication. There are also special design features. In this part of the attention deserve the rubberized body linings, which minimize the risk of the device falling out of the hands even when making sudden movements. The main operational advantage is the speed of the Bosch hardware filling. The laser range finder PLR 15 measures less than a second - the official documentation says about 0.5 seconds. However, depending on the conditions and this value can be increased to 3-4 seconds.

Positive reviews

laser rangefinder bosch plr 15 instructions

Many users of the rangefinder point toa successful combination of simple design, ergonomics and accuracy of measurement. The device turned out to be small, but effective and efficient. It is worth noting the quality of the details, of which the Bosch PLR 15 laser range finder is made. The reviews emphasize that, although the model is not designed for operation in harsh field conditions, the hull adequately copes with external influences, preserving the element base in its integrity.

Negative feedback

The main claim to the model is reduced to a lowfunctional. Today even budget laser devices, for example, support the possibility of automatic verification. In this case, it is absent, as well as a set of options for working with data obtained during measurements. Many also note the cost by which the Bosch PLR 15 laser range finder is sold in the domestic market. The price in Moscow reaches already mentioned 3-3,5 thousand. Indeed, for the quality of the device itself and the accuracy of measurements such a sum will be given by experienced masters. However, many of them can stop the presence on the market of equally attractive models with a wider range of functions.

Operation process

laser range finder bosch plr 15 reviews

To control the device there is only onebutton in the form of a switch. With its help the range finder is turned on, bringing into operation a laser beam. Then the corresponding indicator will appear on the display - LASER. From this point, you can start the measurement. Until the command to fix the current value is given, the user can freely select the distances needed for him - the laser will not cease to function. At the same time, the user can monitor the current data through the screen provided by the Bosch PLR 15 laser range finder 15. The instruction notes that this result is dynamic and varies according to operator movements, observing time intervals of 0.5 seconds. When the desired points for distance measurement are found, you will also need to move the switch. After that, the result will be saved by the device.


laser rangefinder bosch plr 15 price moscow

The device, despite all the shortcomings, deserves attention- at least, from the side of home masters. Glue the wallpaper, fix the cabinets, install the panels and mount the structures with such a device easily and conveniently. The main thing is to correctly use the laser rangefinder Bosch PLR 15. The price, which is an average of 3 thousand, should not be particularly embarrassing. Nevertheless, the reputation of Bosch as a manufacturer of high-quality and technological tools in this case is confirmed by the users themselves. Another thing is that there are some complaints about the lack of individual functions, but at home they are often not necessary.

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