/ Three-phase 380 volt connection

Connection of three-phase voltage 380 volts

Calculation of the power network load isthe basis for its normal operation. For household needs, the voltage of 220 volts is most often used. But this value does not always suffice for the normal functioning of all electrical appliances that consume electricity. Frequent cases when it is necessary to replace the standard voltage with a higher voltage - 380 volts.

The difference between the structure of networks

The approach of a standard electrical network designedfor domestic needs, consists in laying two cores - with load and zero. At the same time, the voltage arising between them is 220 volts. This is quite enough to ensure the normal operation of standard household appliances and lighting elements. But when the load increases, the power cable is heated, which inevitably leads to either a short circuit or a fire.

380 volts

To avoid similar situations in the roomit is necessary to lay not one but three veins. In the vast majority of cases, this possibility is provided for in apartment buildings. For a private sector, such a connection can be made only if there is a nearby power line with three separate phases. In addition, it is necessary to issue authorization documents from the management company and to ensure the installation of wiring with 4 cores in the room.

In what cases should 380 volts

The need to connect a 3-phase voltage can be caused by several circumstances. If there is a specific (powerful) equipment or to distribute the load in the network.

connect 380 volts

There is a certain classification of electrical networks, for which it is possible to change the value of the number of phases:

  • Private houses or apartments.
  • Production halls or commercial premises with a branched electrical network.

In practice, at least temporaryincreasing the voltage to the required level in an apartment or house is very problematic. If you need to connect 380 volts, you need a good reason. For production, most often at the design stage, 3-phase voltage is provided. This is due to the high power of the equipment and the constant load on the network.

Private houses and apartments

When designing apartment buildingsthe calculation of the consumed electricity is performed. On the basis of these data, wiring of the appropriate section and safety devices is installed. If, for any reason, there is an increase in power consumption, it is recommended to connect 380 volts.

380 volts

This may be due to the following factors:

  • Installation of powerful household equipment - heating boiler, climate control system, etc.
  • Carrying out temporary repair works, during which the electricity consumption will increase significantly and the load on the network will increase.

Depending on this, a permit is issued to temporarily or permanently change the network parameters, under which the voltage of 380 volts becomes the main one.

The procedure for issuing permission

There are certain rules for changingparameters of the current in the electrical network. To design permission at the first stage, the project documentation is prepared. It indicates the types of equipment and their characteristics. Based on these data, the management company must provide a technical condition for a voltage of 380 volts. How to connect and which lines of force must be used for this, the engineer decides.

380 volts how to connect

After this, an act is drawn up, in which the following items are indicated:

  • Required package of documents for ownership by apartment (house).
  • The technical project, which was mentioned above.
  • The report, compiled on the basis of carrying out by the representatives of the company verification of equipment parameters and documentation attached to it.

If the requirements are legitimate - a significant increase in power consumption in accordance with standards in the equipment certificates, then there is a connection and connection of 380 volts.

For private houses, the procedure is somewhat different. If at a distance of not less than 500 m from the structure there is a 3-phase line, then all works for its connection (after approval of the permits) are performed by the management company. Otherwise, the increase in tension in the house is impossible.

Commercial and industrial use

For buildings and structures with permanent largeloads of 380 volts are set by default. This directly applies to all industrial and commercial facilities. For normal power supply in the schemes, mechanisms for controlling and distributing the voltage are provided, depending on the load in a certain section. The preparation of such project documentation is handled by specialized companies that are necessarily certified.

Is it worth to spend a 3-phase line in a private house or apartment in advance? This is possible only if the design rules are observed, in which the types of electrical equipment and their characteristics should be indicated.

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