/ / The electric motor for the car: the future is already close

The electric motor for the car: the future is already close

The electric motor has long been far awaynot the latest in the list of preferences of designers, including in the automotive industry. Most recently all cars were equipped with only ICE. But attempts to create alternative engines continued all the time. The most promising of them is the electric motor for the car. This article considers this type of motor and its features.

A bit of history

The inventor of automobile electricThe engine is Starley. He made his discovery in 1888. At the time, electric wires were used to create traction. According to the coefficient of efficiency, such a mechanism was significantly ahead of the internal combustion engines. However, at the beginning of the twentieth century, they decided to abandon such seemingly profitable units, since the problem of limited power reserve was not solved. In view of the fact that it was necessary to travel a considerable distance, and the electric motor for the car could not provide it, it was completely replaced by internal combustion engines. For some time, only individual amateurs-enthusiasts were engaged in development in this area, but in the era of rapidly developing technical progress this engine was again recalled, improved and even launched into mass production. True, so far only in small batches. Today such cars are very expensive, but the urgency and urgent need for them is increasing day by day.

electric motor for car

Principle of operation

The electric motor for the car works onbasis of electromagnetic induction. This concept is associated with the appearance of EMF in a closed loop and with a change in the magnetic flux in it. Thus, the electricity is converted into a mechanical one, due to which the vehicle is moving.

The traction motor for the car is powered by a constant current source. Batteries at the output form from 96 to 192 Volts. To generate an electromotive force, such a voltage is sufficient.

Cars with electric motor from cars with ICE moredistinguishes a direct connection with the wheel, so that the handling of the vehicle is much improved. The most modern models, working on alternating current, can be recharged during braking, which increases their mileage to 20%.

electric motor for a car with your own hands
Otherwise, the electric motor for the carin fact, it does not differ from the standard one, with the engine installed. In it there is a working organ, connecting with the wheel. When electricity is supplied, the winding acts on the rotor, which starts rotating movements due to EMF. This is passed on to all other working bodies. Charge this engine can in many ways, depending on the assembly.

traction motor for car


The electric motor is charged from the battery. Because of the huge cost of batteries on the roads of such cars today is very small.

One of the types of batteries that are the mostcheap, can be called lead-acid. In addition to low cost, the advantage of this type was the possibility of their recycling. Another option, nickel-metal-hybrid, costs more, but its performance is much higher.

electric motors of hybrid cars

Optimal are lithium-ion batteries, which, of course, are the most expensive. But they have the ability to keep a charge well and at the same small size.

Topical electromotive links

Interesting options today areelectric motors of hybrid cars that can be replaced by conventional, internal combustion. Of course, the price of such machines is very high. But they can be called those who have successfully solved the long-standing problem of the missing power reserve.

From the foregoing, it can be concluded thatalready in the near future, electric motors will inevitably take their rightful place in the production of vehicles. Before many domestic motorists today, the desired goal is to create an electric motor for the car with their own hands. It turns out that this is not such an unattainable dream. For a basis any car, and even "Oka" can be taken.

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