/ / Metal detector "Terminator 3": description, features and reviews

Metal detector "Terminator 3": description, features and reviews

The metal detector is verya specific and unusual tool that may not be necessary for every person. Despite its uniqueness, the metal detector is a dream for many people. Most people try to buy such equipment, but you can do it yourself. Detailed instructions of the metal detector "Terminator 3" and the scheme are offered by many specialized forums. Look for this information in this article.

Metal detector "Terminator 3"

This model of a metal detector is considered by many to be one of the most popular. The developers of the device are users of one of the forums on the Internet.

It is worth noting immediately what to assemble with your own handsThe metal detector will be very difficult for those who have never been interested in such equipment before. It will be really difficult to do this kind of work, but do not be scared: just carefully prepare for the process and collect all the necessary details and elements.

metal detector terminator 3

Depth of detection

The search for a metal detector of coins and other items can be carried out at different depths:

  • Five rubles - 22-24 cm.
  • Catherine's heel - 27-30 cm.
  • The helmet is about 80 cm.
  • A beer can is a meter or more.

All of the above parameters are calculated for sensorswith 240 mm on the wire and chernozem soil. Separately it is worth mentioning the discrimination of the metal detector "Terminator 3" by many users, which is completely unfair: unlike its analogues, which can determine only the depth of occurrence of an object, this model determines the metal from which the object is made.

Assembling a metal detector

To assemble and adjust the metal detector you will need the following equipment:

  • Oscilloscope.
  • The multimeter.
  • Generator.
  • LC meter.
  • Frequency meter.

When you purchase the entire set formetal detector will have to pay a tidy sum. To save money, many users prefer to limit themselves to a virtual measuring system based on a personal computer. Find suitable software designed for such purposes, you can on the Internet.

search for coins by a metal detector

Metal Detector Scheme

By its design, the metal detector "Terminator3 "is a standard coin that underwent some changes that allowed it to detect gold and ignore other non-ferrous metals.With the use of the scheme with a special regime of" all metals ", the device can search for any scrap metal.

Non-standard application of logic as an op ampis the basis of the scheme of the metal detector. The disadvantage of this is the extra noise and unknown KU of all the chips. Of course, you can use the domestic logic to create the device, but this threatens with too much variation in parameters. Reduce the damage and avoid additional problems by replacing the sound chip with a domestic analogue.

Cost of a metal detector

The price of the metal detector "Terminator" is inmiddle range. If compared with similar devices of the same category, then "Terminator 3" bypasses them by such parameters as the accuracy of identifying the object and the depth of the search. More inexpensive analogues are much inferior to "Terminator 3" in all respects.

metal detector trio terminator

Metal detector setting

The diagram of the metal detector indicates certainnodes, which are taken into account, since with further assembly will have to focus on them. This may also be necessary during the setup of the metal detector.

The oscillation of the current is generated by the generator after the transmission coil is connected to it. Such oscillations emerge from the microcircuit MC1 in the form of a meander.

The current induced by TX and creating the field is transmittedthrough the receiving coil. On the field generated, the search coil is balanced with TX: in other words, the field RX is subtracted from the TX field. For this purpose, the compensation coil CX is used. Depending on the sensors, its representation changes: in the case of the DD CX sensor, the coil is virtual, in the "RING" sensor, CX is real. It is connected in such a way that the direction of current flow in it is opposite to the receiving coil. The balancing of RX and TX is achieved by unwinding from the compensation coil.

The oscilloscope controls the balancing of the balance,so that the minimum amplitude is set in all positions of the knob. One end of the compensation coil goes to make a tuning loop, which is activated after the amplitude reaches a certain point, in which it again begins to grow. TX and RX are presetly tuned in frequency, while TX should be higher than RX at 100 Hz. You can adjust all the coils to the desired frequency by connecting them to the "Terminator 3" metal detector and the oscilloscope.

You do not need to adjust the CX by frequency. When a metal object appears under the sensor, the balance is disturbed, which causes the current to flow into the RX, which is then fed to the preamplifier and a sync detector that fixes the phases of the incoming signal and outputs them to the amplifying channels. In the latter, all received parameters are amplified and fed to the comparator MC8, which compares the received signal levels and activates the sound generator.

The principle of operation of almost all metal detectorssimilar to each other, with the exception of some nuances. In most cases, they affect the device's detune from the ground. In the case of a metal detector "Terminator M" phase detuning.

metal detector with their own hands detailed instructions

Checking the device board

After soldering all the details of the circuit, a check is made of the printed circuit boards of the metal detector. This is done in order to check the quality of the circuit spike and its performance.

The check is performed as follows:

  • The printed circuit board of the metal detector is thoroughly washed from the flux traces left after soldering. It is advisable to remove all residues, since in the future they can cause breakdowns and malfunctions.
  • The board power is turned on without activating the sensor.
  • The sensitivity knob is twisted until a steady sound is heard from the speaker.
  • To interrupt the speaker signal, just touch the sensor connector with your finger. The interruption of the sound signal when touched indicates that the metal detector board was soldered correctly.
  • The LED flashes and turns off when the power is turned on. When the power is turned off, the diode lights up and gradually fades.

printed boards of metal detectors

Low battery indication

When the battery is lowThe metal detector sends sound signals at the same time intervals. This is accompanied by a continuous burning of the LED and a sharp decrease in the sensitivity of the sensors.

The frequency settings of the metal detector are carried outwith the use of a cable with which the device will be operated in the future. The cable length remains unchanged after making all necessary adjustments to the frequency.

Metal detector "Terminator Trio"

"Terminator Trio" - two-tonemetal detector, equipped with a DD-coil dimensions of 250 x 300 mm. Equipped with four modes of adjustment - "Sensitivity", "Volume", "Discrimination" and "Balance of the ground" - and a switch between ordinary and non-ferrous metals.


The advantage of the metal detector "Terminator Trio"can be called a confident definition of objects from non-ferrous metal. The device finds non-ferrous metal in 85% of all operations, the remaining 15% fall on iron and rusted objects.

Another plus is the absence of false positives. Many analogs react to the edges of excavated holes, grass stems or small wiring than the "Terminator Trio" does not sin.

metal detector set


The only minus the metal detector is a baddefinition of rusty iron. Almost in all situations, when the device gives a dirty signal, that is, a mixture of black with an admixture of color or, conversely, a color mixture with an admixture of black, there is a rusty metal object.

Of course, this shortcoming can be simplyignore, however, there is a possibility of losing some part of the finds because of an incorrect signal. To distinguish between a pure color signal and a dirty signal, it is possible that if you get experience with a metal detector.

Depth of search

User Leave Feedback on "Terminator"say that the maximum depth of the metal detector search exceeds the analogous parameter of another model - "Asi 250" with a standard coil. Despite such assurances, in practice it turns out that according to this criterion "Terminator" is equal to "Ace". When searching for 50 Ukrainian kopecks in air, the depth of detection is 32 centimeters, while the search on the ground of the same coin is limited to 26-28 centimeters with reduced sensitivity. In general, a metal detector allows you to detect objects at a depth of not more than a bayonet of a shovel, which, however, for such a device can be a very good indicator.

Metal Detector "Terminator Trio" can not be attributedto devices that are able to start searching immediately after switching on. The cost of the device is several times less than the cost of the new model ACE 250, but the "Terminator" is more suitable for those searchers who want to try themselves in the instrument search.

metal detector terminator


Collect a metal detector with your own hands is not socomplicated. This will require some financial and time costs, but at the same time, a user who has collected a metal detector by himself will receive certain advantages as a bonus.

Terminator 3 is quite a powerful device inComparison with similar branded models of metal detectors. Given the fact that you can collect it yourself with the possibility of saving money, it is more affordable, profitable and attractive to users.

Correctly to collect and adjust the metal detector atlack of necessary experience is quite difficult. Novice hams on specialized forums are provided with detailed instructions and manuals that will allow you to do all the work correctly and without errors, which is very important when working with electronics.

Advantage of metal detector "Terminator 3" andsubsequent models - the possibility of self-assembly of the device and affordable price. Find the necessary schemes can be found on the Internet at specialized forums of specialists professionally engaged in the search for metal objects. The creators of the device are always ready to help the council with those who plan to assemble the metal detector on their own.

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