/ / "Megafon", the tariff "Go to zero": description and reviews

"Megafon", the tariff "Go to zero": description and reviews

Today we will study with you a rather popular andan advantageous offer from the operator "Megafon" - the tariff "Go to zero". The description, reviews, performed functions and pleasant surprises for customers - that's what will be affected today. Of course, we can not ignore the fact that customers call this plan "anti-crisis." Why is this name given to him? What attracts new users in it? Let's try to figure this out as soon as possible.

megaphone tariff go to zero description

general description

But to begin with it is necessary to add a general idea oftariff from the "Megafon" - "Go to zero." The description (full) will be given a little later. In the meantime, it is worth considering the general features of this proposal. After all, it should interest customers.

The thing is that our "anti-crisis" tariffthe plan is aimed primarily at communication between Megafon subscribers. That is, they will have the main advantages. For example, a free conversation inside a home region. This is what attracts customers.

Plus, the operator Megafon tariff"Go to zero," the description of which we will learn a little later, implies the absence of a subscription fee. This allows customers to easily monitor the funds spent, and to replenish the account on time. And it can not but rejoice.

Roaming "Go to zero" ("Megaphone") toorather sparing. Just like calls to and from Russia. This tariff plan, in other words, is suitable for very sociable customers. And even travelers. Why? Let's understand this.

Calls to your home region

The first thing you should pay attention to isthe cost of calls within your home region. What can we say about this tariff from the operator "Megafon" in this respect? "Go to zero" reviews collects positive thanks to this particular item. More precisely, with this they begin.

megaphone go to zero feedback

The whole point is that if you decide to talk withother Megafon subscribers, then the first 20 minutes of conversation will be absolutely free. And after the given time in a minute you will have to give only 60 kopecks. In fact, it's not so expensive as it might seem.

The company "Megafon" tariff "Go to zero,"the description of which we learn on the sly, is also quite beneficial for conversations with subscribers of other cellular operators. But here, as the customers note, there are several options for the development of events. The first is if there is a connected "All calls" package. In this case, the minute of the conversation will cost you 60 kopecks. If there is no such package, then the cost is doubled. 1 ruble 20 kopecks is also the cost of any calls to the city numbers of your region. Compared to other operators, the "Switch to zero" tariff from "Megaphone" is really an anti-crisis solution. But do not dwell on this. After all, this plan has a number of other advantages that we have to learn.

In Russia

Well, the "Switch to zero" tariff is well suited for those who like to communicate outside the home region. For example, throughout Russia.

The fact is that this tariff plan will allow youcalling around the country on the numbers of "Megaphone" is quite cheap - 3 rubles per minute. But with the rest of the operators, as well as the city numbers, things are worse. You will pay 12.5 rubles per minute. In principle, if you compare with other mobile operators, then "Megafon" - "Go to zero" - this is just one of the most profitable options.

For example, the same "Beeline" asks for 10 rubles forconversation with their subscribers across Russia, as well as 15 rubles per minute when choosing a dialogue with another cellular operator. If you calculate the benefits, you can make sure that it will be quite large. Thus, the company "Megaphone" "Go to zero" reviews receive positive and in the field of conversations within Russia. But there are a couple of other things that you just can not avoid. Which ones? Let's try to figure this out.

rate go to zero

For travelers

Before thinking about whether to disable"Go to zero" ("Megaphone") or connect it, it is important to know one more thing that we did not mention. This is nothing more than conversations outside of Russia. After all, subscribers now have a lot of friends around the world. And that's why it's important to know what the dialogue with a friend or family will result in this tariff.

So, for example, in the Baltic States and the CIS, in the SouthOssetia and Georgia, to Abkhazia and Ukraine, you can call, paying for a minute, only 35 rubles. In Europe, calls cost a little more - 55 rubles. And if you want to call any other, most remote points of the Earth, you will have to pay 97 rubles. In fact, it's not so much.

Many customers note that the same "Beeline" forany conversation outside of Russia asks for 100 rubles per minute. And this is unprofitable, significant expenditure. As you can see, the benefit of our today's tariff is visible to the naked eye. Nevertheless, here all the positive aspects do not end there. After all, the tariff "Go to zero" implies also very favorable prices for the Internet and messages.


In general, now messages are used very often. Therefore, it is important to come up with a proposal that will necessarily affect this area of ​​people's connections with each other. The fact is that customers, when choosing a particular tariff plan, often pay attention to this point.

megaphone go to zero description

Fortunately, the operator "Megafon" tariff "Passto zero ", the description of which is coming to an end, there is a very advantageous proposal, but there were also unexpected surprises, because customers have 2 alternatives that impose their imprint on the cost of messages.

In cases where you have a specialpackage of services "SMS XXS", all outgoing "letters" will cost you ... nothing. They will be free. But only within your home region. If there are no additional packages of services, then you will have to give 1.5 rubles for 1 message within your region, and 3 rubles for "letters" to any operators throughout Russia. This is a very profitable proposal, which no one else has.

But with MMS all is much easier. As many customers (and exactly the same information says the official site of "Megaphone"), the cost of an outgoing message is only 7 rubles. Unlike other cellular operators, this is a very advantageous offer. So, for example, MTS and Beeline for 1 such a message request 10 to 20 rubles. It seems that there is not such a big difference, but it will become tangible with time.

roaming go to zero megaphone

About the Internet

In truth, it's rather difficult to imagine a client without the Internet right now. And it is for this reason that Megafon has an interesting proposal. It applies to the "Switch to zero" tariff.

When you connect a special package of services"Internet XS" (subscription fee is 150 rubles), you will not pay for downloaded data. That is, for 150 rubles you will have unlimited Internet on favorable terms and with good speed.

The second scenario is absenceconnected service packs. In this case, you will have to remove 9.9 rubles for 1 megabyte of data. In fact, this is not so much as it might seem at first glance.

How to go

Well, if you decided on the company "Megaphone""Go to zero" connect, then you will be given a lot of different options for action. The first is a visit to the nearest office of the cellular operator. There you can buy a new SIM card with a tariff, and also change it on your own. To do this, report the idea to the office worker.

megaphone go to zero connect

In addition, you can use the Internet andthe official page of the mobile operator. There you will have to log in and go to "My Account". Then select "Rates", find there "Go to 0", and then click on the "Connect" button. And all problems are solved.

Plus, you can call the operator andask them to change the tariff plan right during the conversation. Dial 0500, and then wait for an answer. Talk about your intentions and expect to be notified of the successful processing of the request.

You can also send an SMS message with the text "2" to number 000146. This function is implemented for free. Within 10-15 minutes you will receive an alert about the successful change of the tariff plan.

What customers think

Well, the "Megaphone" tariff plan "Go to zero", the description of which is presented above, is considered anti-crisis and very profitable. But what do customers think of him?

In general, the reviews are really positive. Here and SMS, and MMS, and calls in Russia ... The only thing that is not very happy - it's the Internet. More precisely, its cost without additional options connected. But those customers who have already connected the Internet XS package of services, note that their hopes are justified.

disable go to zero megaphone

In general, if you are in doubt, is it worth changingtariff, then buy yourself a separate SIM card for a month and see if it's right for you to "Go to zero." If the answer is positive, then just select the appropriate way to change the tariff, and then implement it.

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