/ / Detox diet: a method of cleansing and healing

Detox-diet: a method of purification and recovery

The word "detox" - a derivative of "detoxification"which in this case purifies the body of toxins and toxins. The idea of ​​the detox program is based on the idea that with the age in the human body, in particular, in its intestine, deposits of harmful substances are formed. To help get rid of them and called for a set of activities, which includes a special diet and diet, as well as water and beauty treatments.

The detox diet presupposes, above all, a completeexclusion from the menu of canned products. Under the ban - any sweets, buns, as well as cocoa, coffee and chocolate. For 10-15 days (this is the time for a health-improving detox program), you can only eat healthy food. The basis of the diet is rich in plant fiber products: vegetables and cereals from whole grains (wheat germ, raw rice). Meat, eggs and dairy products are prohibited. From fat, the detox diet allows only vegetable oil. To add flavor and flavor to the food, it is possible to add fragrant herbs, lemon juice and spices in a small amount. Another option is pounded garlic. In no case can you use ketchup or mayonnaise to improve the taste of the dishes!

Fruit, in particular, sweet, is alloweduse only for breakfast and lunch, so as not to overload the evening diet with sugars. Preference is given to grapefruits that effectively burn fat, apples, pineapples and seasonal berries. Drink during the diet is allowed only water, fresh and herbal decoctions (linden, mint, cowberry). Tea and coffee are forbidden. An approximate daily menu with this diet can be as follows: breakfast - herbal tea and fruit, fresh breakfast - fresh and fruit salad dressed with lemon juice, lunch - black rice or wheat germ, stewed vegetables, herbal tea, dinner - vegetable salad. In the evening, after 20.00, you can only drink tea, water with lemon or juice.

The detox diet thus has much in common withfasting: from products of animal origin, only lean fish are allowed in the menu - pollock, silver hake, navaga, sait, pike perch and other. There is it can be twice a week, not more than 100 grams at a time, at lunch. The fish is cooked or steamed.

Recently,another, more strict version of the detox diet, which involves the use of only liquid food. The basis of the ration is the so-called smoothies - thick cocktails from vegetables and fruits. From ordinary fresh they differ in that they contain not only juice, but also the flesh of fruits, vegetables or berries. Sometimes they add crushed cereals - for example, ground oat flakes. Flaxseed is also an excellent source, as it is a source of antioxidants. More calorie smoothies are prepared on the basis of yogurt or milk, natural or soy: with a liquid detox diet, dairy products are allowed.

Here are some recipes for smoothies, effective forlosing weight. Smoothies from vegetables: chop and mix in a blender one carrot, three celery stems, half an apple; add chopped parsley. This low-calorie vitamin drink contains beta-carotene, folic acid and large amounts of vitamin C. Milk and berry smoothies are prepared as follows: 0.5 cups of any seasonal berries (raspberries, strawberries) is mixed with 200 ml of milk or yogurt. To make smoothies more caloric, you can add a couple of tablespoons of grated cottage cheese, a teaspoon of honey.

Use smoothies for food is required five times inday. It should be understood that this is not a drink, but a meal, so do not drink it "volley" from the glass, and better not hurrying to eat a teaspoon. Such a detox diet should not last long, a maximum of 5-7 days, since prolonged use of only liquid food is fraught with serious health problems.

An integral part of the detox program iswater procedures of choice: sauna, sauna or just a daily warm bath with sea salt and essential oils, which helps to clean the pores. Detox, reviews of which confirm its effectiveness, stimulates intensive elimination of harmful substances, including, and with sweat, so the skin must be thoroughly cleaned to avoid its irritation. The same purpose is intended to serve and cosmetic procedures: wraps and cleansing masks for the face and body. The most effective in this case mask-applications based on clay. A good service will also be wrapped with natural apple cider vinegar: on top of the cloth soaked in it, you should put a plastic wrap on the body, then cover yourself with a blanket and lie down for about half an hour. After wraps and applications you need to take a warm shower and lubricate the skin with moisturizing cream.

During the detox diet in any of itsOption not to smoke. It is also undesirable without the special need to take medications, except those that you drink constantly. In addition, like most other diets, the detox diet has limitations: it is contraindicated in diabetes and pregnancy. Do not "sit" on it and adolescents under 18 years old, as well as those whose weight is below normal. For any chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract to follow a detox diet should be with caution, since a large amount of coarse plant foods can cause their exacerbation. In this case, you must go to the usual diet.

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