/ / Bicycle Headliner: features, reviews

Bicycle Headliner: specifications, reviews

Bicycle Headliner is a budgeta popular modification in the modern market of two-wheeled non-motor vehicles. This brand differs among competitors with a wide range of models of different directions, as well as the production of related products, including tourist inventory.

bicycle headliner

general information

Bicycle Headliner is released in the teen,children, women, walking and mountain performance. Despite the budget category, the brand in question is distinguished by its original design and worthy qualitative characteristics. In addition, these bikes have a wide range of functions.

The bicycle frame is made of specialbecome. This part of the design is one of the most important details. Therefore, when choosing a model, pay attention to its strength and build quality. Luxury modifications and variations of the average price category are equipped with more "advanced" frames of aluminum alloy or carbon.


Modern and attractive exteriorbicycle "Headliner" is one of the main advantages of a bike. The frame can be double (duplex) open or closed type, as well as in the rod version. This element is designed to make the most comfortable trips around the city streets and country roads.

bicycle headliner

The bike has good dynamics andergonomics. Among a wide range of any user can choose a model for himself, taking into account the growth and other anthropometric features. The manufacturer offers a variety of colors. Among the most popular colors are black and green neon colors.

Bicycle Headliner: Specifications

The considered bike belongs to the categorybudget entry-level models. The main structural elements are made of steel, which causes a low cost of the product and a high index of strength. Of the minuses - a large mass and a predisposition to the appearance of corrosive processes. To protect designers cover bicycles with special paint and varnish.

Bicycles "Headliner" differ decentergonomics and good speed parameters. Mountain models are equipped with an aluminum frame, serve for training, amateur and professional activities in extreme sports. The average price of a bike is 12-17 thousand rubles. This modification is equipped with a front fork with a shock absorber, a rigid frame without a rear suspension. The main advantage of such specimens is aluminum frame, excellent controllability and resistance to vibrations along uneven roads.

steering wheel for bicycle

Bicycle Headliner: reviews

Responses of consumers in relation to this bikevery diverse. Some owners claim that for such a cost, the quality of the models is almost optimal. Other users cite poor build quality and a number of problems during operation.

Among the advantages consumers identify the following points:

  • The choice of the model for the purpose and anthropometric data.
  • Modern design decoration.
  • A solid frame, affordable price.


  • The bicycle handlebar is not equipped with shift levers.
  • Soft, quickly wearing rubber on wheels.
  • The assembly of carriages and bushings is not at the highest level.
  • The brake unit quickly breaks down, and when it is used, creaking sounds are often issued.


Let's consider some models from the given ruler in more detail:

  1. Bicycle "Headliner 26". The modification belongs to the category of mountain bikes, has 18 speeds, which are switched using levers. The design provides for front and rear brakes, underwing, footrest, adjustable steering wheel and seat.
  2. Children's model with 16-inch wheels. The bike is comfortable, has a stylish design, comfortable seating. Among the design features - shock absorbers, front and rear brakes, one speed, seat and steering adjustment. There is a bell and a footboard. Among the minuses - quite a lot of weight.
  3. Female modifications of the considered bicycle machines have one speed, a frame of a curved type without a lintel, they are painted in more gentle tones. The other characteristics are identical with other models.
  4. Adolescent Headliner 20 with a steel frame, 20-inch wheels, six speeds, a pair of suspension, V-brake braking system.
  5. Also in the market demand for models XS Junior, XS 1.0 Disk with eighteen speeds.

bicycle headliner reviews

In conclusion

Bicycle "Headliner" refers to the budgetarycategories, mainly equipped with a steel frame, are produced in several variations (children's, walking, teenage, women's, mountain bikes). Not all owners recommend buying this bicycle. However, some users argue that with proper set up of the units and timely maintenance, the bike machine will last for a long time, without requiring any special expenses. When choosing a bike of this brand, especially used ones, pay attention to the integrity of the frame, the reliability of the brakes, the serviceability of moving and rubbing elements.

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