/ / Wall bar - an effective tool for developing muscles

Wall bar - an effective tool for developing muscles

All the boys from childhood know that the horizontal baris one of the most effective means for developing upper muscle groups and increasing human strength. There are several types of such sports equipment.

A walled bar allows everyone to use it in any free time.

Wall-mounted horizontal bar
Various exercises on such a convenient shellcan be performed by almost all family members, beginning with childhood. The wall bar can be purchased at a sports shop or on Internet portals that specialize in selling high-quality sports equipment and equipment. As a rule, there are goods sold by the world's most famous manufacturers, so they have a fairly high price.

If you do not want to spend a lot of money onsuch a purchase, you can build a wall bar independently of several metal profiles (circle, pipe) of a suitable diameter and size. The ends of such a projectile are attached to two walls in the hallway. It can also be attached to children's swings, rope ladder, rings or a punching bag, thus creating a whole sports complex for the whole family.

Wall-mounted horizontal bar

The wall bar can be of several types. As a rule, it is quite easily attached to a wall (preferably a carrier) with the help of anchor bolts. Some of them have additional handles that are designed for the so-called "parallel" grip. Others are equipped with attachments for other sports equipment (punching bag, rings, rope, etc.). There are shells that differ in the type of attachment. The wall bar can be stationary, foldable or removable. Ideal will be one that can be adjusted in height. This shell is suitable for tall adults and teenagers. It is best to choose a chrome bar that fits well into the interior of the room and serves a long time.

Door turnstile
Wall-mounted wall table with wide grip usedfor a variety of gymnastic exercises: conventional pull-ups, coups, pull-ups with the creation of a corner (with the training of the muscles of the press). It is often used to train children and practice physical therapy.

There are other types of sportsshells. In contrast to the wall, the ceiling bar is fixed to the ceiling slabs. Usually such devices do not have functional modifications. Door turnstile fastens directly above the doorway. The main condition for the safe use of this projectile is strong walls above the doors.

Wall-mounted wall table with wide grip
To securely fasten the wall bar in the walldeep holes are drilled with a perforator. Most often it is located in the hallway in the place where the person doing the exercises will not interfere with the normal functioning of the rest of the family.

Perform exercises on such a sports equipmentshould be done regularly. Various pull-ups aimed at developing the muscles of the shoulder girdle (straight, reverse, with a narrow and wide grip), will allow you to quickly develop the muscles of the back, chest, triceps and biceps.

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