Universal method of working out all muscles - exercises with a barbell
In our time, young people do not pay tribute to the sport. Now, the guys play computer games, they "fumble" on the Internet for days on end. What kind of bar, what bar? However, not everything is so bad. There is a fairly serious movement of young people who are zealously engaged in bodybuilding. After all, the beauty of the body is an important factor. There are many gyms that offer their visitors a complete base for classes. Of course, the subscription costs money.
And what if there is no time? Buy a bar and work on yourself. This truly universal shell is the most practical and real way to increase the muscle mass of your body at home. In fact, exercises with the bar are divided into many different types. In this material, we will try to describe all the delights of training with this projectile.
Here's what an interesting thing turns out: With just one bar, you can work out almost all muscle groups. This effect is achieved in the gym, but at the same time you are kindly asked to pay for training. Basically, exercises with a bar do not require much space. Thus, you can study anywhere: at home, in the gym, etc. In the kit to the very bar there are metal disks of a certain weight. Still need a bench.
Doing exercises with a bar is necessaryremember that the right technique will help to achieve the desired result. The risk of injury is very high. After working with the projectile, the body is in constant motion without special support. In order to begin the exercises, it is necessary to warm up properly. Before doing workflows, make a couple of warm-up sets. Thus, you will save yourself from injury.
Virtually all exercises with a barbell arepolyarticular complexes. A certain group of muscles receives the maximum load. For example, when performing a bench press bench press, the shoulders, triceps, chest and wide back muscles are involved. The accent is on the torso. Carrying out a deadlift, the athlete maximizes the back and muscles of the hands. The squatting squat helps to make the flexor and extensor of the leg stronger. The above exercises are considered basic and are worked out by all experienced powerlifters.
Now let's talk about one-joint training. That is, the program includes exercises with the bar, which are aimed at working out a certain group of muscles. Without such trainings the athlete is waiting for a stupor in bench press or in deadlift. So, the pull rod to the chin contributes to the development of the front delta and trapezium. The scheme of work is quite simple. The more grip, the more the trapeze will be loaded.
To begin with, you need to take the bar inhip level. The legs are slightly wider than the shoulders. The back is flat, leaving the whole body back. We take a breath and raise the bar, while diluting the elbows strictly in different directions. At the top point, the neck should be at shoulder level, and the arms above. In the final stage, slowly lower the rod in its original position. Do not work with large scales without observing the technique of execution. In this case, you will not achieve the maximum effect. Before starting the exercise, do at least one warm-up approach with a little burden. Then you need to perform 3-4 sets for 10-12 repetitions. This is if you work for mass.
There is another interesting and effective exercise- Pressing the bar while standing (army bench press). Bodybuilders thus increase the amount of shoulders. During the exercise, the front and middle deltas are most studied. Moreover, the bench press stands up perfectly improves the explosive power of all the muscles of the torso. Regular training, including this exercise, significantly improve the results of athletes in weightlifting. It is easier to push-push on the bars, throwing the spear and core, lifting and yanking the bar.
As you can see, this seemingly elementarya shell, and so much good. Going in for sports, you gain not only strength and endurance, but also develop in yourself such qualities as punctuality, pedantry, purposefulness.