/ / What is a soup for weight loss. Reviews about diet

What is the soup for weight loss. Reviews about diet

Everyone would like to have a diet that would reduceweight, and thus it would not be necessary to refuse food. One of these diets is soup. Most diets involve bans on our favorite foods. But if you eat soup for weight loss, reviews of which are more than positive, you do not have to give up standard food. The result of such a diet with strict adherence to its rules will not take long in a week. And when you get on the scales, you will experience only pleasant emotions.

How to properly follow the diet "Bonn soup" for weight loss. Reviews about the diet.

Soup diet is observed for a week. During this time, you can lose weight by 5, 7 and even 10 kilograms! As for the side effects of this diet, there are practically none. An exception is the category of people, which is contraindicated in the grocery composition of the Bonn diet. Or they are people who can not limit themselves in food for medical reasons. In the rest, as practice shows, vegetable soup for weight loss, reviews about the method of losing weight on it, speak mainly about the merits of the soup diet. Your health will become one of the factors of optimism and confidence in the benefits of soup diets.

What is the essence of the diet?

Diet does not limit you in useproducts, but you need to eat on a certain schedule. The main thing is to understand and evoke the following reflex: once you are hungry, it's time to use Bonn soup.

The main course of the diet is fatty "killer" - specially prepared soup. Prepare it is not difficult. The recipe is as follows:

  1. Take 5-6 bulbs, cabbage forks, a couple tomatoes, celery and a few green peppers. Onions are cut with small rings.
  2. All the vegetable mix with water and bring to a boil. Then boil on low heat for exactly as long as the vegetables become softened. The soup is ready.

The most interesting is how you can use thissoup for weight loss. Reviews that it can be salted, add sauce or broth without fear, are truthful. Thus, it remains only to choose the seasoning desired without any weight loss.

Diagram of a diet

  • On the first day you can eat, naturally, soup and fruits, excluding bananas. If you drink drinks or tea, sweeten them with sugar. Drink plenty of water!
  • On the second day, we eat again the soup (in general, thanmore often, the better). You can eat vegetables. The ban is valid only for products from legumes and corn. At lunch, you can treat yourself to baked potatoes with butter. But the fruit
    you can not eat. And, as always, we drink water in large quantities.
  • On the third day we eat soup. We also enjoy vegetables and fruits, except potatoes and bananas. If the diet was observed during these 3 days, you will already lose a couple of kilograms in any way.
  • On the fourth day, again, we eat soup forlosing weight. Reviews can be enthusiastically expressed to fans of bananas. It is allowed to use them for a day in the amount of 3 pieces. You can eat vegetables and drink low-fat milk. And, of course, do not forget about the raw water.
  • On the fifth day you can eat boiled beef -about 400 g per day. You can not limit yourself also to tomatoes, but conservation should not be abused. It will be enough for one half-liter can of canned tomatoes. As always, drink water in an amount of 5-8 glasses. And at least several times a day to eat lean soup.
  • On the sixth day (the diet is almost complete), you can consume vegetables, and from meat - beef. Soup and water in large quantities. It is not allowed to try potatoes.
  • On Sunday - the last day of the week, you can always eat soup, boil rice with vegetables. From drinks to consume fruit juices, not adding in them sugar.

So, you use in your diet inmainly soup for weight loss. Reviews of the Bonn diet allow us to say that it is balanced both by diet and by its effectiveness in comparison with other diets.

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