/ / Fint in football, or how you can deceive an opponent

Fint in football, or how to deceive an opponent

Fint in football is a deliberately false move. Its purpose is to mislead the enemy. In other words, it's a tricky deception in the player's performance. Many people think that it's difficult to learn fints in football. Of course, some tricks require certain skills. But in general, to deceive the enemy is quite simple.

feint in football

Required skills

How to do feints in football? To learn techniques, you need to have a set of specific physical and mental qualities. In particular, this is the ability to listen to intuition and the ability to improvise. In addition to such physical skills as quick reaction and general sports training, the athlete needs to have a developed imagination.

Fint in football without the ball

These techniques are associated with individual techniques andthe nature of the movements of a particular player. These are the movements that athletes learn during training and games. This kind of feint in football is useful to use to free yourself from pursuing an opponent. In addition, this technique is needed to break through to a profitable position with the subsequent interception of the ball. When can I use this feint? For example, there is a good opportunity to use this technique during a throw-in because of a sideline. Such a feint in football is often used and goalkeepers. Having studied tactics of the opponent, the goalkeeper can provoke the opponent to attack in the corners of the gate necessary to him, which are prudently protected by him in advance.

feints in football training

Deceptive maneuvers with the ball

Why do we need such tricks in football? Training in these techniques allows you to perfectly own the ball. Accurate and complex technical movements make it possible to misinform and confuse the enemy. These feints are performed depending on the location of competitors: front, back, side, in the environment.


The most common and simple in performanceA feint in football is a fraudulent jerk. His goal is to get away from the enemy. This is achieved by a rapid and sharp change in the trajectory of motion with a constant shift of the leg around the ball. The next football feint is an imitation of a blow. The performance of this reception is possible after passing the pass. In this case, the player leads the ball and is about to stop. Waving and all the way demonstrating the attempt to make a kick, the athlete waits for a certain moment. When the opponent tries to block the zone of the possible flight path of the ball, the player sends it in the opposite direction. Such cunning strikes can be applied even with the chest or head. Another type of feint is a bit like the previous one. During the running of the ball, the player hits him sharply. At the same time, it seems that the athlete is going to stop. When the opponent reacts to this by slowing down, the player lightly pushes the ball forward and continues to move. These are the tricks in football.

how to learn fints in football


To successfully apply these skills on the fieldthe ability to fully control the ball with both feet is equally good. This will allow you to direct it along the desired path and will make it possible to carry out a sharp interception. For the professional mastery of these skills you need to go through a huge number of hours of training. To learn at the level of an amateur and improve the understanding of these techniques, it is enough to view the videos and get acquainted with other content on this topic. Newcomers who are just keen on football will need a lot of zeal and patience.

Several examples of performance

The player is leading the ball. In this case, the opponent intends to attack. In addition, the enemy will try and intercept the ball. The lead player rejects his body to the side, then swings his foot. So he gives the impression that he will leave in this direction. Once an opponent believes in this trick, the player only needs to quickly walk away with the ball to the other side. So the opponent will not have any chance.

Another situation. The attacker intercepts the ball and stops it with the sole of the foot. This is noticed by the defender of the opposing team. He rushes to meet the attacker to take the ball. Players come together at a short distance. The attacker swings to the side, while his foot actually passes over the ball. While the defender makes a thrust towards a false swing, the athlete has a chance for a sharp breakthrough and bypassing the opponent.

how to make a feint in football

"Star" feints

A variety of techniques become "visitingcards "of famous athletes.For example, the superstar of modern football, Cristiano Ronaldo has a trick which is a step from foot to foot around the ball.Millions of fans around the world are trying to learn these movements.The sharp feint of Maradona, which was later named in his honor , assumes a lightning 360-degree turn with the ball.The similar reception was crowned in the performance of the famous football player Cruyff.The athlete made a sudden sudden turn with the ball 180. The player of the Tbilisi " Dynamo "Michael Mercy pretended to run past the sword, then the athlete clung to him with his foot, causing the rivals to be confused .The Brazilian player Garrincha became famous for using the torso of the trunk to imitate, as if going to go to the gate on the diagonal line. In fact, he was rapidly breaking through the edge, leaving the enemy behind.

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