/ / Handicapes - what is this? What are the rules of the Asian and European handicap?

Handicaps - what is this? What are the rules of the Asian and European handicap?

If you ask people what a handicap is,answers can get a lot, and the most different. The thing is that handicaps are a fairly broad and multi-valued concept that is used both in medicine, psychology, biology, and in various sports, as well as in betting (bets on various sporting events). Let's understand what it is, and what is the meaning of this term in various cases.

A bit of history

As already mentioned, the concept of "handicap" is quitemultivalued, used in various spheres of human life. However, this word is most actively used in sports and means giving a weaker participant some advantage at the start or during the competition.

For example, in the old days, when horsethe races enjoyed a frenzied popularity, the slower horses were often exposed to 150-200 meters ahead in order to equalize the possibilities of the horses. It is this distance between the participants of the race that was called the handicap.

handicap betting

Basic Values

And now let's examine what in different sciences and spheres of our life activity is meant by this term. So, handicaps are:

1. In biology: detrimental to survival, features that carry evolutionarily meaningful information about the qualitative genetic material of the male. The most striking example: only genetically "strong" peacock is able to live up to the mature age with a beautiful and large tail, which just acts as a negative feature for survival, as it attracts the attention of predators. Such a non-trivial concept of evolutionary theory was formulated by the Israeli zoologist Amotz Zahavi (Amots Zahavi).

handicaps are

2. In psychology and medicine: the conditions under which a person experiences various personal problems in the process of adaptation to social conditions and social relations. This condition is conditioned, as a rule, by specific features of individual development of physical, intellectual and psychoemotional abilities.

3. In sports competitions, handicaps are:

  • The advantage (odds) that are provided to equalize the odds for the weakest player. For example, in chess, a stronger player starts the game without one or more pieces.
  • Sports, with preliminaryequalization of opportunities for winning, in which athletes of different levels of training, age or sex take part. As a rule, weak participants are provided with a time difference.

4. In races at the racetrack, handicaps are equalizing the chances of victory for horses of different class and age.

5. In betting: one of the types of betting on the result, which is based on the forecast of the victory of the team or participant in the match or in competitions, provided that the competitor himself or his opponent has any odds (in glasses, games or goals) determined by bookmakers. To determine the outcome of betting with handicap, the actual results of the competitions or matches are recounted using the number of handicap.

And now let's move on to sports games.

what is handicap in football

Handicap in golf and football

In such a sporting discipline as golf,Handicap is a numerical expression of qualification, athlete's level. There is a fairly flexible qualification system, which makes it possible to compete for participants of different levels, for example, in one tournament both a novice player and a world champion can act. In this case, a beginner can win, thanks to the advantage given to him.

The number of already scored goals in the gate morestrong team - that's what a handicap in football. As a rule, the handicap is determined in advance, but it is declared as before the start of the game, and after. Hidden to the end of the match, the advantage of the fans' interest in the game is unequal in the level of teams.

handicaps are

Other sports

Bets on sports and matches invarious sports are accepted both in regular and in online bookmakers. The handicap in rates is exposed on the majority of sports disciplines: usually it is hockey with a washer, volleyball, basketball, football, and also other summer and winter kinds of sports. Bookmakers use both Asian and European handicaps.

Concept and varieties

Now let's take a closer look at what it meanshandicap betting. This is a bet (money) for any sporting event or match in which one of the competitors enters into the game with a contingency. This advantage, depending on the sport, can be expressed in points, points, minutes or goals. The bet can be both positive - if placed on the leader, and negative - on the outsider.

In addition, handicaps are divided into Asian and European.

What does handicap betting mean?

European handicap

The European Handicap (EH) offers three possible outcomes for the event - victory, draw, loss, and uses only integer values ​​to determine the advantage, for example, 0: 3 or 0: 1.

In the event that the final account isjust in the forefront, it's a draw. For example, if you put a European handicap on any team (-1), then in practice there is a bet with a handicap of -1.5, since in the case of winning the team in one ball, winning will be a bet on a draw.

Asian Handicaps

Relatively new type of betting for matchesfootball teams is an Asian handicap. He has only two possible outcomes: a loss or a victory, and there is no concept of a "tie". A certain handicap is given by one of the teams and added to the final result. In the event that the team to which the bet was placed wins, taking into account the advantage, then the winner wins.

European handicap


Let's briefly consider the main types of Asian handicaps:

  • Handicap 0 - Draw no Bet, DNB. Some bookmakers call it "Draw: no bet." If the team wins, the bet wins. If the result of the match is a draw, then the player gets back the money that he put. The team lost - the player lost, and the money "left". This bet is useful if you play two roughly equal strength teams, and the probability of a draw is high.
  • Handicap 1. If you bet a -1, the team must win at a minimum, with a difference of two balls. If the team on which the bet was made, loses or achieves a draw, the player will lose money. If the match ends in a victory with one goal, then the bet will return unchanged.
    Asian handicap

You can put and to win the team with a +1 odds,adding one goal to the final score of the selected team. If you take into account this ball, it wins - your money. In the event that, taking into account the advantage in 1 goal, the match was a "draw" - money is simply returned. In all other variants of the development of events, the rate is considered a loser. For example, you put on the victory of the "Volga" with the odds of +1 against Zenit. If the "Volga" will be the winner or draw a tie - the bet will win. If the team loses in 1 ball, the money simply returns. Stvavka is considered lost if Zenit scores 2 or more goals.

  • Handicap 1.5. In the event that the handicap is taken at -1.5, then for the win it is necessary for the team to score at least two goals, for any smaller account the bet will lose. With an advantage of +1.5 to get money, it is necessary that the team either win, or grab a draw, or miss one goal.
  • Double Asian handicap. In this case, the player's bet is divided into two parts. So, for example, if the handicap is +0.75, then half will go to the +0.5, and the second part to +1.

Thus, calculate Asian handicapsit is quite simple: the advantage chosen is added to the final result. If the team won - the bet wins, the draw - the money returns, the loss of the team - the loss of money.

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