/ / Exercises vacuum for the stomach: reviews and photos

Exercises vacuum for the stomach: reviews and photos

Every woman wants to have a thin waist,that this will emphasize femininity. And the truth, a beautiful waist really attracts. But unfortunately, not every female representative can boast of it. Even if the girl is a very beautiful figure, the waist may not be very pronounced. What can I do to reduce it? Many are convinced that it is thanks to the pumped press that you can remove the extra centimeters at the waist, but this is not really enough. Muscles are under the fat layer, from which it should be disposed of. The best exercise to achieve this goal is vacuum.

Effects on muscles

vacuum for belly reviews

If the girl herself is slim, it is not yetmeans that she has a flat stomach. Often happens such, what even at the leaner he sticks out. Many do not know how to deal with this, because everyone says that the pledge of a slender body is proper nutrition and cardio exercise. But what if all this does not help to remove the volumes? It is then worth paying attention to such an exercise, as a vacuum for the abdomen. Reviews about it say that it is very effective, because it works directly with the internal muscles. The main area of ​​the exercise is the internal press. The transverse and partitioned muscles provide for the retraction of the abdominal wall. They are necessary to maintain the posture and are located under a straight and oblique external muscles, that is, form a corset, encircling the waist.


vacuum for belly testimonials

  • Because of the underdevelopment of the transverse muscle, manywomen suffer from such a problem as a stretched abdomen. A vacuum for the abdomen will help to cope with it. The reviews say that it really tightens the muscles, so that the abdomen becomes more flat.
  • Through this exercise, you can reduce the layer of fat in the abdomen.
  • In a fairly short period of time, you can noticeably reduce your waist.
  • Due to the fact that the waist will be thinner, the area of ​​the breast will visually increase
  • Development of transverse abdominal muscles.
  • To perform the exercise, you do not need any additional equipment, which allows you to perform it without leaving your home.
  • If there is such a problem as pain in the lower back, then an exercise vacuum for the abdomen will come to the rescue. The testimonies of people confirm that it really helps stabilize the spine.
  • Some girls do not like the pronounced relief of the press, so they are afraid of pumping. With exercise, this will not happen.
  • Vacuum prevents the sagging of internal organs.

Vacuum lying

exercise vacuum for abdomen testimonials results

The simplest version of this exerciseis a vacuum from the prone position, since when you are on your back, gravity acts on your stomach, which greatly facilitates the exercise.

To perform it, the first thing to do is to lie downon the back, bend the knees, put the feet on the floor, hands should be stretched along the trunk. Make a strong exhalation, trying as much as possible to empty the lungs. At the same time, draw in your belly, straining it. Mentally you can imagine that you are trying to reach the navel with your navel. It will not be so difficult, because in this you still help gravity. In the retracted abdomen, you need to hold on for 15 seconds, but do not breathe all the time, so make small, light breaths. During exercise it is very important to concentrate and do not forget to keep the stomach in suspense.

It is best to do this exercise on an emptystomach, that is, the perfect time - this morning. You should perform 3-4 approaches several times. It will be more effective if you still repeat it during the day when the stomach is empty. If you feel that the exercise is given to you more easily, then increase the time.

Vacuum on the knees

If you have reached a level that you withease are given for 5 consecutive times in a minute, and you want to complicate your task, thereby making the exercise more efficient, then you can move to a vacuum on your knees. And it's harder because you can not help the gravity here, just like when you're lying, but, on the contrary, hindering.

To complete the exercise, you must stand onKnees and put your hands on the floor. Make sure that your hands are straight. A right angle should be formed in the knees, and the shoulders, elbows and palms should be on the same line. This is the position that is considered correct. Take a deep breath and draw in your belly. At this time, head slightly down, and the back arched. In the rest everything is the same as in the prone position. To begin with, set yourself the task to last 30 seconds and each time, gradually increase the time, gradually reaching one minute. Do the exercise in 5 ways.

Standing Vacuum

vacuum for belly photo review before and after

This is the most difficult variant of such an exercise asvacuum for the abdomen. Feedback, the results indicate that this variety helps to develop even the muscle-stabilizers on which the spine depends. Here, not only the gravity complicates the task, but also the fact that you have to strain your back to maintain a direct position.

First, stand in a position convenient for you. In principle, everything is done in the same way as in other types of vacuum. It is necessary to draw the belly in exhalation and stay as long as you can. If you can hold out for more than a minute, then do it until it becomes very difficult.

In fact, this exercise can be performed inthroughout the day. Just keep your abdominal muscles in tension constantly, thereby exercising. And soon such a state will become natural, and the stomach - flat, due to the fact that you perform a vacuum exercise for the abdomen.


exercise vacuum for belly reviews

Even after a short period of regulardoing the exercises are amazing. For many years, they have been actively involved in sports, dieting, but can not achieve a thin waist and flat stomach. Although in fact everything is simple. It is enough only to perform a vacuum exercise for the abdomen. Reviews, photos before and after the girls can not help but surprise, since such a simple exercise that does not require additional equipment is so effective.

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