/ / The most popular sports in Russia

The most popular sports in Russia

Today, sport is necessary to man as never before. It not only contributes to the formation of a healthy body and equally healthy spirit, but also greatly improves the quality of life, making a person purposeful and enduring. And in our country this is understood as nowhere else.

Sport is loved in our country

Physical culture and sports are always with Russiansstood in the first place. But the achievements of Soviet athletes, we are proud to this day. Lev Yashin, Valery Kharlamov, Larisa Latynina, Yuri Vlasov - these names are widely heard.

And what are the most popular sports in our country?country now? Of course, those in which success is achieved commandingly. And we have the same love for both summer and winter sports. Domestic schools, created in the Soviet era, still show high performance in the most significant international competitions, be it the Olympic Games or the world championships.

However, not all have an idea of ​​what the most popular sports can be identified in our country. Let's fill this gap.

Statistics data

According to Rossport, there are more than thirteen million people on the territory of the Russian Federation, seriously involved in sports. And, as already stressed, preference is given to team games.

The most popular sports

Palma in the rating: "The most popular sports" belongs, of course, to football. Despite the fact that our country can not yet boast of high achievements in this field, the interest in this fascinating game remains high. Even in winter, when there is snow in the stadiums, there are a lot of young people willing to chase the ball. The second position in the top is hockey, whose adherents in Russia are also very, very much. The most popular sports are also volleyball, basketball, and water polo.


Of course, domestic football is nowtime is going through not the best of times. Unfortunately, even foreign mentors are powerless in achieving the goal of getting the Russian team into the European and world championships. Anyway, but to prepare for the upcoming sports event, which is scheduled for 2018 in Russia, should be very, very carefully. At the same time, all conditions for the development of football in our country are created: modern sports grounds, more than decent wages, experience and skills of eminent coaches. It is also gratifying that the young generation is showing great interest in this sport.

The most popular sports in Russia

The youth team achieved high results in this spectacular sport.


The list under the name: "The most popular sports in Russia" is simply unthinkable without mention of hockey. In this team game, we have repeatedly argued that our team is the best of the best. What was the value of the Soviet players in this fascinating sport! Famous Russian hockey players often go to play "overseas", as their high level of professionalism is noted by foreign athletes. Among the youth teams in our country are regularly organized competitions: "Golden Stick", "Golden Puck", on which coaches select the most talented and promising guys.

Became the most popular sport

Again, in Russia, much is being done to make hockey even more developed - this proves the quality and quantity of modern ice palaces and stadiums.


Jumps in length, pole vaulting, running ondifferent distances, throwing a spear and a hammer - all of the above is also loved by Russians. Many engage in track and field athletics at the amateur level, thereby instilling in themselves and others a healthy lifestyle.

Winter sports

In Russia, severe winters, and snow in someregions fall oh as much. Naturally, at this time of the year you do not want to sit at home, and the desire to move is just great, especially for young guys and girls.

The most popular sports among young people are, of course, skiing, snowboarding and figure skating.

The most popular sports among youth

In our vast country there is an incredible amount of mountain tracks and ice rinks, so, as they say, "roll - I do not want."

The science

Do not stand still and the science that studies suchan interesting phenomenon, as a sport. In Russia there are regularly organized conferences, symposia devoted to theoretical issues in the field of sports activities.

Traditional sports

It should be noted that in our country graduallyinterest in traditional sports is growing. Speech, of course, is about playing laptu. Even in the 14th century, during the excavations of Veliky Novgorod, rare bits and balls were found for today. Currently, the competition for bass in Russia began to have the character of "regular".

And, of course, it is necessary to say aboutsingle combats, which are part of the culture of Ancient Rus. Athletic all-around, Greco-Roman wrestling - these kinds of sports were known to our ancestors, only in a slightly modified form. Well, fist fights, which were more positioned as fun and entertainment, have some resemblance to modern boxing. Today has become the most popular sport and hockey.

Extreme sports

In the 21st century, the younger generation is attracted by the extreme. Teenagers today are used to experiencing a feeling of increased adrenaline and stunning speed. Parkour, freestyle, snowboarding, windsurfing - these are the most popular sports among teenagers.

The most popular sports in adolescents

The age of high technology and speed dictates itsconditions, and sports preferences, of course, depend on them. Anyway, some extreme activities, such as parkour, are aimed not only at increasing adrenaline in the blood, but also on the development of stamina and dexterity. Therefore, they can be beneficial, but at the same time they require thorough and serious preparation, or they can pose a certain threat to life.


In the age of technological progress, a hugenumber of new and interesting sports. Given the fact that modern man leads a sedentary lifestyle, the role of sport for him is of great importance. It is for the maintenance of one's own health that everyone is simply obliged to be involved in it today.

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