/ / How to make a diet for a set of muscle mass

How to make a diet for a set of muscle mass

In order for training to bring tangibleeffect, little to put on them under the full program. A significant role here is played by the diet of the athlete. It should be selected in such a way as to provide the body with the substances necessary for the growth of muscle mass.

The most important components of the diet

Muscle growth is provided by three kinds of substances - proteins,fats and carbohydrates. Therefore, in the diet for a set of muscle mass, it is necessary to include products in which these substances are contained as much as possible. Let's start with proteins. These substances create a "building material" for the formation of new muscle tissue. It is preferable to use animal proteins. Most of them are contained in chicken, fish, beef, legumes, protein powder concentrates, as well as in dairy products that are skimmed or have a low fat content. To them it is possible to carry cottage cheese, milk, yoghurt, cheese. In the diet of a bodybuilder protein should be in the proportion of 2 g per 1 kg of the weight of the athlete. After calculating the daily protein norm, divide this number by 5 or 6 - just so many times it is necessary to take products containing it. No more than 30-40 g of protein can be metabolized by a single meal of the body. Another option is to multiply the amount of protein in grams, equal to your weight, by 1 or 1.5.

The following components that make up the dietfood for muscle mass is carbohydrates. The body uses them as a source of energy. When you consume carbohydrates in the body, glycogen reserves are created, which are expended during training. If the food that is included in your diet, not enough carbohydrates, then training can only harm the muscles. Depending on the rate of assimilation, the organism distinguishes between "fast" and "slow" carbohydrates. To "fast" are sweet foods: sugar, confectionery, sweets. They are quickly absorbed by the body, and therefore it is better not to use them before training, since the energy created by them is consumed too quickly. It is better to eat food containing "slow" carbohydrates: rice, buckwheat, oat porridge, black bread, potatoes, pasta. The level of glucose in the blood will rise gradually, and this will make it possible to create an energy reserve in the body. Consuming food containing carbohydrates is also recommended several times a day in small portions.

With regard to fats, they contribute to the development ofin the body of testosterone. The lack of them leads to a decrease in the level of hormones and a fall in sexual desire, excess too, strangely enough, lowers the level of hormones. By making a diet for a set of muscle mass, take a fraction of fat not more than 15% of the total daily amount of calories. Eat more vegetable fats and fewer animals. An exception is fish oil, in which Omega fatty acids are in large quantities. With their help, muscle tissue better absorbs glucose.

More water, vitamins and natural food

In addition to these components, for the body alsothe presence of vitamins is important. Include in your diet for muscle mass green vegetables, such as spinach or broccoli. In addition to vitamins, leaf green vegetables contain fiber, which helps to remove toxins from the body.

Another important point is the amount consumedwater. With the onset of muscle mass growth, the body's need for water increases. So try to drink more. The optimum amount of water is 3.5 liters per day.

As for the quality of food, try to doits more diverse. Do not get carried away with fashionable supplements containing proteins or carbohydrates. Try to eat more "live" food. Include more natural fruits and vegetables in your diet. Such a variety will allow you not only to enrich the body with various useful substances, but also to achieve real growth of muscle mass. After all, on a diet from some powders and cocktails, muscles, as the multi-year bodybuilding experience shows, simply do not want to grow.

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