/ / Feeding power for a set of masses - the basis

Feeding for a set of masses - the basis

Bodybuilding is quite popular nowadays,but many do not even realize how difficult this sport is. This is due to the fact that it is unacceptable to limit ourselves to dragging "iron", because other items are very important here: nutrition, compliance with the regime, mental factors, and the like. In this article, we will describe in detail how food should be for mass recruitment, and what this mass is - we will explain below.

food for weight gain

The goal of weight gain is to increase weightbody athlete with a predominant percentage of muscle mass over fat. That is, when typing 10 kg is ideal, the buildup of 6-7 kg of muscle and only 3-4 kg of fat. After recruiting the desired mass, the athlete goes to the second stage - drying, which consists in burning fat to 3-6%. Drying is a rather complicated process, because a bodybuilder has to give up fast carbohydrates (sweet), fatty foods and favorite drinks. However, this is the moment when the end justifies the costs of it. But back to nutrition. So, the diet for mass gain is quite universal, suitable for most athletes (there may be some peculiarities in ecto- and endomorphs). Here are the main principles of this process.

  1. One of the most important conditions for increasing the massis a fractional food - 5-6 times a day. This allows you to not load your digestive system and at the same time allow the supply of nutrients to the blood throughout the day. Portions should be small with a high protein and carbohydrate content.
  2. baby food for weight gain
    Carbohydrates are the most important part of your diet.nutrition, because they supply the body with energy. Approximately 70% of the total amount eaten should be high-calorie food. However, you should know that you need to eat more slow carbohydrates (different cereals), rather than fast (sweets), which are accelerated by the body to fat deposits. Do not forget about fruits with vegetables, rich in valuable fiber, but they should account for up to 30%.
  3. In addition to reducing the consumption of fastcarbohydrates, you will also need to eat less fat. Especially "dangerous" will be saturated fats (fatty meat, mayonnaise, sausage and the like). But they can not be removed from the diet at all, because then the metabolism can be disturbed. It will be useful to eat fish (even oily) and fish oil. Fast carbohydrates can also be useful. The most optimal time for their use will be the end of the workout, when the protein-carbohydrate window opens.
  4. Do not forget about the drinking regime. When recruiting muscle mass, when there are many metabolic reactions in the body, water is an important part, because it is necessary for the passage of all reactions. Use 2.5-3 liters per day of CLEAN water (tea, drinks and soda do not count).
  5. The approximate proportionality may look like this:
  • proper nutrition for weight gain
    the carbohydrate content is 50-60%;
  • the protein content is 30-35%;
  • the fat content is 10-20%.

That's what proper nutrition should look likeset of mass. However, know that there is no ideal relationship, because every person is a unique person. If you seriously decided to do bodybuilding, it is better to consult a professional trainer who will help you deal with this punctuation. Help in the collection of muscle mass can sports nutrition, including proteins, geyners, amino acids and creatine. It's a funny fact that 20-30 years ago, when the sports nutrition industry was not yet developed, bodybuilders used baby food for mass gaining. Why? Everything is very simple. Based on the purpose, it was quite high quality and had at the same time 30-35% protein and 65-70% carbohydrates, which turned it into an excellent geyner. What can not you think of in pursuit of a beautiful body! Well, the basics of how food should look for mass gain, we described. And if you study half a year with zeal, you will choose the food "for yourself." Good luck!

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