/ / Push-ups from sex - benefits and principles

Push-ups from sex are good and principles

One of the simplest ways to pump the pectoral muscles is push-ups from the floor. This article describes the benefits of push-ups from the floor, as well as how to do it right.

Push-ups - this is the bench press opposite. As you know, bench press is the basic exercise for inflating the muscles of the chest. The basis of training at home includes push-ups from the floor, the use of which is the development of triceps and pectoral muscles.

Although the benefits of push-ups are not the same as pressinglying, because in this case you can not use additional weight, but with the right technique and using sophisticated options this exercise can give an excellent result: a beautiful chest and strong triceps.

You should remember that you do not need every dayexercise, as the muscle fibers develop and grow during the recovery, which can last up to 36 hours. Because 2-3 training per week is enough.

If you do push-ups from the floor, the benefits from themwill only manifest itself if done correctly. In order to perform correctly, you need to learn how to feel your chest muscles. To do this, stand up straight, pressing the front side of your palm to your chest, then slowly take your hand forward, as if pushing something away from yourself, trying to strain the pectoral muscles.

Repeat this movement, feeling how they workmuscles of the chest. The second hand can be put on the chest for a better feeling. The next step is slow push-ups from the floor, the benefit of which is still small, since with them you have to completely control the muscles, feel them, prepare for normal exercises.

In order to properly do push-ups fromsex, the benefits of which will be maximized, it is necessary to control the work of the muscles of the chest, watch the body, stretch out like a "string", since this position will allow you to use just the muscles of the hands, and the press itself.

Remember that it will be much more effective to do5 approaches out of 20 push-ups - technical and slow repetitions, dividing them by a break in 30 seconds than wringing out 100 times in a row, the last of which will be done somehow.

You have the ability to do push-ups from the floor,benefit from which will receive the upper and lower bunches of the deltoid muscle. To do this, use footstools or arms, vary the width of the palm rest. With a narrow setting of the hands triceps work, and with a broad shoulders.

The most effective type of push-ups is the one in which the feet stand on a high support and the arms are widely spaced. This allows you to stretch the muscles of the chest to the maximum.

Push-ups from the floor, which are done in the morning, contribute to an increase in the vital energy of the body, and the exercises performed before bedtime contribute to relaxation.

There are many varieties of push-ups,which are light, medium, heavy and the heaviest. Each of these species brings its own benefit. For example, push-ups from the wall on your knees are well suited for children and women, push-ups on the kulaks - wrestlers, engaged in martial arts. Bodybuilders instead of bench presses can use push-ups with a weighting agent, which will lead to a similar result if the correct technique is followed. When you press out with a "jump" and pop, you develop explosive power, which is also useful in martial arts.

The benefit of any kind of push-ups is undoubtedlyis great, especially when this exercise is done in conjunction with others. Then you will develop not only triceps, press, chest, shoulders, upper and lower bunches of the deltoid muscle, but other muscle groups that will make your body beautiful and sporty.

The main thing is to have a desire, but you can press it inAny place: on study, at work, at home or on the street! There is no limit to perfection, train your body anywhere, anytime and anywhere! Good luck and be well!

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