/ Football Soccer. What is this and what does this word mean?

Football Mundial. What is this and what does this word mean?

Every 4 years, football fans gatherTVs in order to cheer for their national team at the World Cup. This tournament was founded more than 80 years ago and since then has not changed its traditions. Everyone who managed to get to this football event, remembered it for life. Millions of people come to countries that take the championship, in order to support their national team and see how it will oppose the main favorites of the tournament.

The origin of the word "mundial"

mundial what is it

Recently, the phrase "World Championship"is increasingly replaced by the word "mundial". What is it and when was this concept first used? In 1982, the world football tournament was hosted by Spain. It was she who became the birthplace of this word. The fact is that "mundial" in Spanish means "world", and the word "mundiale" is read. Interestingly, the official title of the world football tournament did not contain the word "mundial". The International Football Federation gave the name to the tournament Copa del Mundo de Futbol - Espana 82. It was the fans and commentators who were the ones who contributed to the birth of the new name of this tournament. In that year, the tournament was visited by more than two million people who supported 24 football powers.

Fans composed a variety of chants andsongs, and television commentators supported them and started their broadcasts with a greeting from the word "mundial". What is it, for yourself for the first time felt the Spanish players, because they were given a great responsibility. At that tournament, the Spanish team still did not have that power and greatness, unlike today's Spanish team, which took a lot of trophies on the European and world arena. In 1982, the "red fury" reached only the second stage, where it took the third place in group "B" and flew off the championship. On the Spanish mundiale shone other teams.

Triumphal Italian team

Champions of the football world were the Italians, who hit their attacking and defensive line. It was the Italian scorer Paolo Rossi who was the main goledor when the mundial ended.

the word mundial

What is it - to be the top scorernational team and become the idol of millions of Italians - he felt for the first time. In that year, Rossi received the title of the best player in Europe and the World. In the final of the tournament, the Italians managed to break up the German national team with a score of 3: 1, and then Rossi scored his last, sixth goal, which became his defining game. In the final, the Germans were hit thanks to a successful penalty shoot-out, where a victory over the French was won.

Brazilian Mundial

As already noted, "mundial" means"World", that is, this name since 1982 is used exclusively in the name of the world championship. As you know, in addition to the World Championships, which takes place every four years, there is also the European Championships, which also determines its winner every 4 years. However, the European tournament for the national teams did not gain such popularity, so it has no special name. What the word "mundial" means, one could understand even when viewing the last world football tournament that was held in Brazil.

which means the word mundial
Fans of all countries in the stands chantedSpeeches dedicated to their idols. In most football reviews, the unofficial name of the tournament has already been used constantly, because readers without even knowing the origin of the word, from the first sentence understood what will be discussed.

Russia - hostess of the World Cup 2018

Separately it is worth mentioning the fact that in Russia2018 will be the next football mundial. What is it, at last all Russians will feel at themselves. 11 Russian cities will host 32 national teams on their football arenas, which will fight for their country to become the best football power of the next four years. Who knows, perhaps it is the captain of the Russian team who will raise the main trophy of the mundialya over his head ...

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