Careful tip: The Kremlin diet for special occasions
The desire to lose weight, get rid of fatstocks pushes people from one diet to another, right up to a complete refusal of food. But hunger will not get rid of fat, but only exacerbate the problem: the biochemistry of the body is very complicated, and if everything was so simple, there would not be fatties. Usually the cause of excess weight is called excessive caloric intake, and the emphasis is on carbohydrates.
Unused carbohydrates are stored in fat forstock. The reserve grows, delivering more and more trouble to its owner: the figure spoils right before our eyes. What to do? A popular opinion today: "The Kremlin diet does miracles" - attracts more and more followers. After all, most miracle diets require a sluggish titanic effort, and first of all it refers to cutting down the usual diet, which is out of the question in the Kremlin.
Remove carbohydrates and cause the body to burn fatrequires the Kremlin diet. Its recipes are very simple. It is built in such a way that it eliminates the pangs of hunger. The daily menu is quite dense, as it is filled with protein: meat, fish, chicken, eggs, cottage cheese - these protein products are introduced virtually without restriction. Due to this, the muscles do not starve, forcing the brain to command to reduce their volume. "Weight loss is due to not musculature, but fat," - such a review the Kremlin diet deserved by right.
However, the followers of this protein programnutrition often make a mistake that has a bad effect on health. Proteins in any amount prescribes the Kremlin diet, while the rest must be strictly selected, given the carbohydrate content in points - grams per 100 g of product.
It is easy to refuse cereals, potatoes, baked goods,pasta, sweets, but also requires less to eat and vegetables and fruits - the one that is usually recommended to lose weight. To strictly adhere to a more or less balanced diet within the strict diet framework, it is necessary to carefully observe the balance - no more than 40 points per day in the first 2-3 weeks, and no more than 60 in the following. Points, or points, have long been developed and consolidated into special tables.
There is a generalized review: The Kremlin diet requires a system of counting carbohydrate units in the menu, but this is precisely what the busy people can not do. They just take away all carbohydrates and eat only protein - meat and fish. This is the risk factor for health.
For a balanced, healthy diet, carbohydratesnecessary and should be a proportion to the protein 4: 1, and the Kremlin diet radically shifts this ratio to force the body to process fat. That is why there is also an opposite opinion: the Kremlin diet has a crushing effect on the body, undermining health.
It aims at rapid weight loss by pricemobilization of all body systems. Any impact on yourself can be tolerated only for a short time, as all dieticians of the world warn. Therefore, doctors advise to compromise: if you follow the Kremlin diet, then only a very short time - no more than one week. It is better to repeat the course after the break, but in no case do not make it the basis of nutrition: the health damage far exceeds the effect of losing weight.