/ / Is there male chauvinism

Is there male chauvinism

The notion of "male chauvinism" is habitually usedIn everyday life, to denote the unfair attitude of men to women. Many representatives of the weaker sex argue that because of the prejudiced attitude of men towards their abilities, they can not make a career or achieve a high level of earnings. Is it so or not? In order to answer this question, let us consider the concept of chauvinism, including the masculine one, and try to find out whether the depreciation of women's rights really takes place in modern society.

Chauvinism: the meaning of the word

According to the dictionaries, chauvinism is defined as an ideology based on the assertion of the superiority of one nation over others in order to justify discrimination of other nations.

The name of this phenomenon is derived from the namesoldier of Napoleon Bonaparte - Nicolas Chauvin. According to legend, this soldier remained loyal to Napoleon even after his overthrow and was ready to fight with any people on the side of the emperor.

Gender chauvinism, also called sexism, is defined as a worldview in which unequal rights of men and women are asserted.

This is manifested in the fact that behind each gender hard social roles are fixed, to which men and women ostensibly must correspond.

For example, there is a stereotype that a womanshould be weak, and a man strong. When meeting and building relationships a man has an active role, and a woman should only wait for the events to turn. In addition, it is considered that the wages of women are 10% lower than the wages of men with equal conditions and responsibilities.

To the manifestations of sexism sometimes eventhe fact that such punishments as the death penalty or life imprisonment are not applied to women. Also, many wrestlers for gender equality are outraged by the fact that women retire before men, despite the large average life expectancy.

From such facts it can be concluded that gender inequality is emphasized everywhere. Men can feel disadvantaged in their rights no less than women.

Male chauvinism in modern society

The stereotypes mentioned above regarding male and femalewomen's behavior are just samples, fixed in culture. Changing traditions, worldview and goals, as well as ways to achieve them. If at the beginning of the last century strict standards completely determined the characteristics of the behavior of the representatives of both sexes, in modern Russian society people received much more freedom in their manifestations. Already no one is shocked by a girl who, along with men (and sometimes more successfully than them), makes a career in the oil and gas or similar complex industry.

Many women abandon family values ​​in favor of scientific research or the promotion of new ideas. Far not always the beautiful sex turns out to be "second roles", following the male leader.

Against this backdrop, male chauvinism, or treating a woman as a "second-class creature," is slowly moving to the background.

Of course, there are still men whoargue that a lady can not be a good leader, but such comments can only bring a smile. There are many examples of the fact that a woman can make a brilliant career and stand at the head of a large enterprise. So, the general director of one and the largest airlines of the country is a woman, and the majority of employees of this giant enterprise treat her with genuine respect.

In conditions of competition with women, menbegin to feel deprived and disadvantaged. Many really can not find their place in society, faced with female superiority. Is not the reason behind the so-called male chauvinism? Striving to somehow establish themselves among active ladies who occupy high posts, some representatives of the stronger sex take their soul away with the help of impartial statements addressed to them. But is it worth paying attention to it?

An important problem is that both men,and women, dream of an easy and happy life, which is possible only if the person is in harmony with himself. Will the complete equality of people be happier, whether they will become more successful because of this - this is the main issue. And other conversations about who is more important: men or women, just do not deserve attention.

People living in conditions of gender equality, oftenseek to return to traditional values, when the woman is the guardian of the home, and the man - the defender and the getter. Is it correct? Everyone answers this question independently, the good in the modern world is an opportunity for self-realization in any direction.

And women, who are offended by "male chauvinism"in other words, impartial statements of men in their address, I want to advise you to believe in yourself and your abilities. And then other people's opinions will not prevent you from making a career, and also achieve everything that you dream about.

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