/ / Voice timbre

Voice timbre

The timbre is called the color of the sound, its brightness,warmth, gentleness and individuality. The sound of the voice is characterized by the basic tone and a number of overtones (additional sounds). A large number of overtones gives brightness and juiciness to the sound palette.

The timbre of voice depends on the structure of the vocal cordsrights. Very rarely there are people with the same sound. It is quite difficult to change the voice, although a person with the help of certain exercises can improve his color. For this you can do the exercises recommended by the teachers of the vocals, regularly engage in recitation and singing, chanting mantras.

The timbre color depends on the shape and volumemouth cavity, ligament tightness, the shape and volume of the trachea. The sound and timbre of the voice often indicates the work of the entire human body. Its uniqueness is determined by the structure of the organs of speech and the state of the nervous system. Due to work in different modes, the speech apparatus gives the timbre various variations. Virtually any voice can be put (to give the right sound), to learn to control its frequency and, consequently, its emotional color, which will be appropriate in certain situations.

By the timbre you can judge the state of a person. Sound deteriorates with fatigue, depression, restraint, angry and other psychological conditions. With a good mood, self-confidence, the sound becomes clearer and cleaner.

Common pitfalls: shortness of breath, sharpness, hoarseness and nasal. Shortness of breath speaks of frequent inhalation and exhalation, so when talking you need to try to control their rhythm. Sharpness arises from too strong a close ligament, which often occurs with nervousness and overexertion. It is permanent and short-lived. A piercing voice often characterizes grumpy people. Hypergia occurs most often with insufficient vibration of the vocal cords. It can be with throat diseases or with overwork of ligaments. Nasal is called a strong flow of air through the nasal cavity. It appears in people who have a certain property of this cavity: the influx of air into it is more free than its outlet. This phenomenon is often observed in the common cold or sinusitis.

Traditionally, somestereotypes of perception of a particular sound. Thus, high intonation is associated by people with youth and passivity, therefore to the owners of a high timbre of voice are treated as unripened individuals. Often such a sound causes unpleasant emotions in many people. The very low tone of the voice, especially without modulation, is very hard to listen to. Its owners are uncomfortable listening and they are perceived as uninteresting and boring interlocutors. The sharp timbre of the voice almost always produces an unpleasant impression. Its owners are associated with very irritable and nervous people, so they are treated with prejudice. The sound with some aspiration has a pronounced sexual color, so it is often poorly perceived in everyday everyday life.

The timbre is considered ideal for the human earVoice with correct modulation in low and high tones. To characterize different sounds, scenic division of the timbre is often used, although often more common names are used. The scenic timbre of the voice (types): gold, velvet, silver, copper. The usual subdivision of sound: hard, rich, soft, hard, weak, cold, heavy. Singing voices are often subdivided into pleasant, metallic, melodic, soft, deaf. Their main classification is determined by the height of the sound. Men's voices are divided into:

- bass (very low, it is central (low) and melodious (high));

- baritone (subdivided into lyric and dramatic);

-tenor (the highest, it is lyrical and dramatic).

Female voices are divided into:

- contralto (low);

- mezzo-soprano;

- Soprano (very high, its kinds: lyrical, dramatic, coloratura).

Children's singing voice is divided into viola (low) and treble (high).

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