/ / What is regression, concept and symptoms

What is regression, concept and signs

The development of anything is almost alwaysimplies progress. After all, progress is a movement forward, evolution, the introduction of innovations. It is thanks to this process that the life of modern man represents what he represents.

Scientific achievements and new technologies,unusual fashion trends and unusual things, high-tech household items and futuristic works of art - all this becomes possible only through progress. And the very fact that a person can create all this today is the result of evolutionary development, of the movement ahead.

But often in our daily life wewe come across a phenomenon that is directly opposite and that runs counter to our notions of productive development. This phenomenon is called "regression / regression". And in this article we will try to understand what regression is and how it is characterized.

what is regression

The word "regress" comes from the Latin word"regressus" - movement in the opposite direction, return back. And it is applicable to completely different spheres of human activity. The concept of regression is present in economics, sociology, political science, jurisprudence, mathematics, psychology, philosophy, medicine, geology, biology and other sciences. We will not go into details of the interpretations in detail, each of them already requires writing a separate article. And we will discuss the most common and most interesting interpretations, the knowledge of which will broaden our horizons and, perhaps, help us look at some things from a new angle.

What is regression / regression:

  1. A particular type of development, characterized by a transition from the highest to the lowest, from a higher form of development (in any sphere) to a lower, degradation.
  2. Simplification of the structure of some living organisms, as an adaptation to the environment and conditions of existence (biology).
  3. Economic decline (economy).
  4. Dependence of the average random value on the other / other values ​​(mathematics, economics).
  5. The totality of some social changes that lead to a lowering of the social level (sociology).
    regression concept
  6. Method of predicting or explaining events (sociology, political science, etc.).
  7. The mechanism of psycho-protection, in which the individualreturns to the previous present (earlier) level of his development, thinking, behavior. This is a kind of psychological adaptation of a person to some difficult or stressful situation (psychology).
  8. A person's refusal to make a decision, commit acts, life in "pink color", increased dependence on others (psychology).
  9. The disappearance of the symptoms of a disease and the onset of a full recovery (medicine).
  10. Slow retreat of water from the coast, which occurs as a result of land raising or the lowering of the seabed, and also due to a decrease in the volume of oceanic waters (geology).

Having read the above definitions,it is possible to identify some characteristic signs of regression. As we see, this is, first of all, a movement in the opposite direction, from the difficult to the simpler, the lowering of the level of organization.

signs of recourse

Also, understanding what regression is, you canto say with confidence that the term is very multi-valued, and the process is meaningful. To attribute it to something one will, at a minimum, be a manifestation of ignorance.

In addition, while studying the question "what is regression",we can find some regularity: everything develops cyclically, wave-like. And this suggests that progress and regress are two complementary processes and elements. Constant progress without periods of stagnation can not be justified in anything. Just as there can not be a constant regression, it would entail the convergence of this "something" into nothing.

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