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Thinking in Psychology

The mechanism of thinking works through analysis throughsynthesis. First, the object is compared with others, and then from the qualities peculiar to it, new ones are singled out. In the process of thinking, again and again, qualitative connections are found, while their stock is exhausted by human knowledge. Perception plays a key role in synthesis.

For many centuries, scientists have tried to classify thinking in psychology.

In the historical context, humanity firstmastered practical activity. Thinking skills developed much later. Moreover, in the age of high-tech technologies, the constructive way of thinking remains practical. Specific-effective type of mental activity is designed to solve specific tasks and is based on the perception of objects. This is how children think at an early age. Therefore, they disassemble toys into their parts. They are looking for the one who turns the wheels.

Thinking in psychology of visual-figurative typeworks during the perception of the surrounding reality. In the primitive form of visual-figurative thinking, pre-schoolers who are not so attracted by the process of disassembly, like the magical power of their imagination, are used. The concept stock is still too small.

Verbal-logical thinking in psychologyis the interaction between logical operations and concepts. It is characterized by the ability to cognize the essential laws without a clear, reliable connection with reality.

Abstract-logical thinking is typicalto go beyond the bounds of sense knowledge. From the characteristics of the object or situation, the subject selects only important ones, leaving details and minor features without proper attention.

Formation of abstract thinking for the purposethe assimilation of concepts in the learning process occurs in parallel with the improvement of visual-effective, visual-figurative and verbal-logical thinking, because all types are successive stages in the development of human thinking in the context of phylogenesis and ontogeny.

Thinking in psychology is distinguished by functions:

- critical thinking is aimed at buildinglogical conclusions, on the adoption of comprehensively grounded solutions. A person can analyze social phenomena, work with information, following an exact algorithm:

  • definition of the problem;

  • assessment of facts, separation and separation of opinions;

  • accounting for all known evidence;

  • formulation of the conclusion.

Thus, the psychology of critical thinkingis the ability to adequately assess the facts, to separate from them emotional information in order to accept them as evidence. This is how your own independent opinion is formed. It should be borne in mind that in the natural order the emergence of new evidence sometimes changes the conclusions and the way of solving the problem;

- creative thinking is aimed at openingnew knowledge, the creation of spiritual values ​​based on their own ideas. The features of a creative person is determined by his psychology, his thinking, which goes beyond the framework of the acquired concepts, terms, regularities. For creativity, a characteristic transfer of the mechanism or quality of one system or object to another plane, where previously such a combination was not observed. At one glance, the creative personality grasps the important in small things or thinks out the missing details.

By the nature of the task, thinking can be theoretical or practical:

- the basis of theoretical thinking is the use of rules and laws;

- Practical thinking consists of inferences and judgments, already confirmed by experience. The task of practical thinking involves the transformation of reality according to the algorithm: the goal, the plan, the project and the scheme.

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