Sentences. What is it and what are they interesting?
In our daily speech quite oftenthere is such a phenomenon as maxims. What is it like, how they look and are built, why are they needed? In fact, everything is simple, and when you read all about the meaning and essence of this term, you will realize that you yourself often use it at home and in a community of friends. Well, let's take a closer look at the origin and features of this section of the Russian language.
Brief description of the term
Aphorisms, maxims, apothegms and maxims - what is this? Everyone knows that these terms are short (and sometimes long enough) instructive statements, which most often carry in themselves a great sense and wisdom accumulated by generations. Often, modern youth calls these words quotes, and very often they occur in social networks. However, no one calls such statements a term such as "sentences". What is it then, and why this word is not too common in our lexicon? The answer is simple: in a broad sense, all of the above terms are synonymous, and any of them can be used in colloquial speech. However, from the point of view of the Russian language, each such utterance has its own structure and structure, therefore the names are different. The true maxim is a statement that has a edifying, instructive, commanding character, that's the whole difference.
From the depths of centuries
The first sentences appeared at the time of antiquity. Then military leaders, philosophers and other learned people wrote their own tracts based on their own experience and knowledge, which contained a lot of such wise notes. The original meaning of many of them, unfortunately, is lost, as the numerous coups d'état, the change of ideologies and worldviews, their constant translations into other languages of the world, greatly clouded the true meaning. But one can learn something more or less authentic from the antique material, after reading the Latin maxim. What is it, every schoolboy knows, and you can find them in books, on the web, even on some business cards and calendars. Among them are the words of Julius Caesar Veni, Vidi, Vici, which translates as "Come, saw, conquered", or Si vis pacem para bellum - "If you want peace - prepare for war" - and so on.
Why is the maxim an imperative?
As noted above, such statementsmust necessarily have the form of an imperative, that is, to be edifying, ordering, directing certain actions or thoughts. Why? The fact is that in medieval times in France, as well as in tsarist times in Russia, a short figurative maxim, teaching, maxim became a synonym for the word "sentence". It was this term that implied the latest court decision, which is not subject to discussion. Most often it was used in military affairs, and not in civil matters, so the term does not have such wide distribution. Today from the legal usage this word is completely excluded, therefore people have returned to its original meaning.
Use this term or miss it?
Today people use a whole massall sorts of sayings and utterances, which have a different length, structure and subtext. Some are borrowed from classical works of authors, others are quotes from films, and others are generally invented by bloggers. Undoubtedly, among each of these subgroups there is a maxim. The meaning of the word gives us the opportunity to determine what out of all this luggage it is and what does not. That is, the phrase "Do not judge and we will not judge" is clearly a maxim, but the phrase "No one knows its own face" will not be included in this category, although it is drawn from the world classics (Charles Paveze, "The Devil on the Hills"). Therefore, applying this term in your speech, be careful. It can be used as a synonym for words such as "quotation" or "aphorism", but in circles of writers and journalists it is desirable to refrain from false wit and use the term strictly according to purpose, so as not to look ridiculous.
Species of the maxim
In general, we figured out what the samerepresents in our speech a maxim. The synonym, which is most often applied to this word, is apothegm, but there are also differences there. Apophegoma in literature are extremely short imperatives, which can consist of one to five words. Such statements are in every language, and they are not translated, because their meaning is understandable to the whole world. Among them we will name the following: "Shershe la Fam" Search a woman (French); Momento mori - Remember that you will die (Latin proverb); "Wow!"(Kozma Prutkov) and much more. Such phrases can be found in any book, from there get what you like most, and make it your motto or creed.
Where is the maxim most often used
The meaning of the word is imperative,that is why nowadays the term takes the leading position in the creation of advertising actions, politics, business and other branches of modern industry. With the help of such, as if ordering the rest of the slogans, customers are lured, the reputation of any institution or manufactured product rises, the necessary social environment is created, which contributes to a better business development. The most striking example is the motto of the three musketeers: "One for all and all for one!", Which has taken root in the memory of millions of people and is used even in our time. He played a major role in the development of the popularity of A. Dumas's book, and later "helped" to create a film based on it. There are a lot of similar examples, and they can be found not only in literature, but also in politics, the music industry, even in stores and supermarkets ("Buy at the promotional price - and get a discount rate for the next purchase!", Etc.) .).