/ / Correction test - a technique that develops your attention.

Correction test - a technique that develops your attention.

Each parent is concerned about the health of the child. Due to the current ecological situation in the world, the growth of social and economic tensions in countries, social life takes more and more health and vitality not only in adults, but also in children.

To diagnose and, therefore, to overcomethe main problems associated with the violation of mental processes, began to fight well-known psychologists, one of which is B. Burdon. According to this well-known specialist, concentration of attention plays an important role in the personal and, especially, in the professional life of every person. In the course of our existence we get acquainted with new sources of knowledge, we learn various phenomena, processes and concepts that help our worldview and contribute to the development of intelligence.

But what to do if a child or adult does notcan focus their attention on the object of interest? Let's say you have a hobby that you enjoy with your free time, but poor concentration does not allow you to memorize the main points and memorize important facts. This becomes the soil for frustration, depression and self-doubt. To overcome this problem, the scientist B. Bourdon created a technique called "Correction test", which promotes the development of attention and concentration in children and adults.

This method appeared in 1895. You ask: what is its specificity? As it turned out, it is painfully simple: the subject sees a table in front of him, where Russian letters are arranged in a random order. In addition, the columns in the table are also sufficient. In the assignment it is indicated that the subject in 10 minutes. must cross out the whole table letters, for example, "y" and "l". When the time report has gone, all required letters in the table should be marked. After ten minutes, the results are calculated.

As practice shows, the technique "Correctiontest "could help a large number of children who need to increase the level of care.After several exercises children began to show the best results in schools, colleges, gymnasiums.But do not think that such a test task called" Correction test "is present only in its single copy Many followers of the scientist B. Bourdon decided to continue and improve the methodology by inventing several variants of the task: for example, in 1908 Anfimov created a letter variation of this task. The methodology "Correction test" was modernized by Amatuni, who created a digital version of this task in 1969. Finally, Landolt, who compiled the test task with the rings, was the last who decided to supplement the arsenal of test tasks for children.

At first glance, many immediately come toconfusion, when they present a table with rings: and what should be crossed out? The author of this test created rings with different gaps in different sides. Therefore, the subject gets the task - to find and cross out the rings with a break, for example, on the right side. As practice shows, the proof-of-effect test is also suitable for young children (mostly Landolt variant). You will be surprised, but this technique "Correction test" is used in clinics, as well as in the conduct of professional psychodiagnostics.

Many ask the question about howprocessing of the results of the "Correction test" method. When checking your results, the main thing that you pay attention to is your speed and accuracy of the task. Let's take a look at the speed: here you check for how much time you looked through each alphabetic row and the whole table as a whole. With regard to accuracy, the number of errors that the subject made during the entire test run is counted here.

As you can see, the essence of the methodology is very simple anda proof-reading test for children will help quickly, accurately and, most importantly, qualitatively determine how attentive your child is. If the result is negative, you can repeat this procedure several times until the results increase. We wish good luck in your activity!

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