/ / Sponsorship letter for obtaining a visa: what is it and how to write it?

Sponsorship letter for obtaining a visa: what is it and how to write it?

sponsorship letter
It is unlikely that there will be a person on the planet Earth,who does not like to travel. No one will refuse to change the situation, a good rest and new impressions. But we all know that for every pleasure in our life we ​​have to pay. One of these forms of payment is the period associated with the registration of a pile of documents and papers for traveling abroad. In this bale of necessary forms, there must often be a statement from the sponsor concerned, so that the potential traveler can get a visa and the necessary amount for the trip.

What is a sponsorship letter?

First let's see what a similar document is. And then we will determine what is necessary for its compilation and correct writing?

Sponsorship letter is a mutually beneficial receiptwith the aim of obtaining financial support from a wealthy person. It may be necessary for several categories of citizens: children from 14 years old, pensioners, unemployed, disabled and students (students). The main purpose of this document is to show the inspecting bodies that a person has the opportunity to pay for his trip and all the necessary expenses associated with it.

In what cases might it be necessary

Everyone knows that for traveling abroad it is necessaryget a visa. As a rule, travelers try to get Schengen in order to be able to navigate freely not only in the country they are going to go to, but also in other areas of the Schengen agreement. Currently, it includes 28 member countries of the European Union.

why you need a sponsorship letter

There are three main cases whereneed sponsorship letter. And who will provide travel depends on the specific situation. If you go on a regular tourist trip, then your close relative can become your patron: parents, sisters, brothers, husband, wife. A spouse with whom you are not in an official marriage can also act as a sponsor, but the chances of obtaining permission to leave in this case are drastically reduced.

For registration of a guest visa you will needget a call from the inviting party, he will act as a sponsorship letter. But it is worth noting that such a notice does not give an idea of ​​your financial situation and income, so you need to get other kind of support. For example, take an extract from the bank that your account has a certain amount. For the Schengen zone, the minimum figure is € 1000.

In case of visa for official travel(negotiation or advanced training), a sponsorship letter can be drawn up on behalf of the company in which you work, or be sent as a call from an inviting organization.

Compiling a sponsorship letter

how to write a sponsorship letter
Now consider how to write a sponsorshipletter, what should be reflected in it and take into account it? The main points to be covered in this document are: the degree of kinship (with supporting evidence in the attachment) and the solvency of the person who will act as a financing party. The sponsor undertakes to pay all your expenses related to travel, from the voucher to the purchase of souvenirs, as well as medical care, if necessary.

When you design a sponsorship letter in itit is necessary to indicate: the date of the proposed trip abroad, the planned location (country), passport data of both parties, and also indicate the relationship between the sponsor and the applicant.

A sample of the sponsorship letter looks like this:

Sample sponsorship letter

Sponsorship letter is written in free form, butwith an official approach. Either way, it is a document. If the statement is drawn up on behalf of the company, then it is better to formalize it on the company letterhead. Typically, they write such a letter in Russian, with rare exceptions - in English and others, because in some countries there is a similar requirement (for example, in England and Austria). At the same time, the Russian equivalent is also asked to attach. In what language is it worth writing a sponsorship statement, you should immediately check with the embassy employee or in the visa service.

Example of a sponsorship letter:

an example of a sponsorship letter

Letter from the sponsor does not require a notaryassurances, but for greater confidence that you will be given permission to leave, it is better not to neglect this procedure. Especially if the funding person is not your close relative.

Additional documents

How to write a ponoso letter

Together with the sponsorship letter you will beit is necessary to attach a number of official papers, namely: a document confirming the solvency of the sponsor (a certificate from the job or an extract from the bank, from the account), a copy of the passport of the sponsoring person (the first page and residence permit) and a copy of the document certifying that you are related . It is also important to note: if an underage child is sent abroad, without parents or official guardians, then it will be necessary to take care of a certificate from the place of study or present a student card.

Basic moments

In conclusion, I would like to mention a couple of importantaspects. The requirements for compiling a sponsorship letter in different countries are not very different. If there is a difference, it is insignificant. If necessary, all the nuances of registration can be clarified in the embassy or find an illustrative example in the World Wide Web.

Important to remember! Sponsorship letter is not a guarantee of obtaining a visa, since the verification procedure is strictly individual. The more you provide the facts linking you to your home country, the more chances you have to go beyond it without problems.

Enjoy your travels!

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