/ How to learn to knit tourist nodes.

How to learn to knit tourist nodes.

tourist nodes
Each of us in life had to tieknots, whether on bows or shoes. But, perhaps, the most necessary and most useful in our life are the nodes - tourist. Especially they are useful for those who suddenly had a desire to become a real tourist or who are already on the way to this, it will be extremely necessary for them to knit tourist nodes. After all, the quality of the work done can depend even on the life of not only the tourist himself, but also his partners. Therefore, this knowledge will not be superfluous, regardless of how safe it would be for a life to be a hike. It's better to be safe, because no one knows for sure what road will be waiting for you at the next turn.

In general, in the practice of tourism there is a hugethe number of the most diverse types of nodes that differ in their functions, but the most common and simple are the nodes that are called the figure eight. Such a unit is suitable for fastening the rope in a narrow hole, for example, when it is necessary to fix it on a carabiner. Make it fairly simple: you need to tie a rope in the form of a figure eight, with the end you must make a closed loop. The working end of the rope is placed around the root, then pass this end at the intersection in the loop.

tourist nodes of the scheme
The next group consists of tourist nodes,which are called bayonets. They are mainly used to fix the rope behind a round-shaped support (such a support, for example, can be a tree). The effective end of the cable that you wrap around the support, you need to wrap around the main part of the cable, and then you should pass through the loop formed in this case. The resulting node will be the end result. He is also called a half-bayonet. However, this can and does not stop and cover the main part of the cable with the operating end, then pass into the loop, and then secure it with an auxiliary rope. In the end, you get a node called a simple bayonet.

Loops that can be in the middle of the rope,can be used as intermediate support points, and also if the rope has any damage. The next famous tourist node is the Australian guide. To make such a knot, you need to put the rope in the form of an eight, the upper loop to bend to the base and take it down through the lower loop. And in the end just tighten the knot.

tourist nodes
If you need to tie ropes together,which have a different diameter, then in this case a brak-rod assembly is usually used. The end of one of the ropes must be tied in a loop, while securing it with a constriction for greater reliability. The working end of the other rope is to pass through the loop, tie it twice, then double through the root end, and eventually tighten. In order for the braham-rod assembly to hold, some kind of traction is needed. But if the traction is suddenly removed, then such a knot will not decay. Tourist nodes of the scheme are fairly simple and understandable to everyone. Therefore, if you want to professionally tie tourist nodes, you just need to practice by instructions and schemes.

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