/ / Taiga (Kemerovo Region): getting to know the city

Taiga (Kemerovo region): acquaintance with the city

The city of Taiga, whose photo is in the article,located in the north of the Kemerovo region of the Russian Federation. It is the administrative center of the city district of the same name. In addition to the city itself, it includes 5 more settlements - townships. On the map it can be found using the following coordinates: 56 ° 4 "0" "north latitude, 85 ° 37" 0 "" east longitude. The city day is celebrated in the summer - on the first Saturday of August.

taiga kemerovo oblast

brief information

Taiga (Kemerovo region) is a small town. As of 2015, there were just over 24 thousand people living here. Due to the annual sharp decline in the population and the worsening socio-economic situation, he was given the status of a single-industry city of the Russian Federation.

From the regional center, which is Mr. Kemerovo, Taiga is distant for 124 km. Tomsk is the closest to it, only 80 km away. The capital of the Russian Federation is 3.5 thousand kilometers away, and the nearest airport is sixty kilometers away. The map of the Taiga of the Kemerovo Region, which can be viewed below, shows the location of the streets.

city ​​taiga kemerovo region

A bit of history

Education of the city is directly related to the layingTrans-Siberian Railway. It was thanks to her that the region began to be populated. The railway station began operating in 1896. Near her erected a township Tomsk-Taiga. Its construction was due to the fact that another large branch of the railroad to Tomsk was to be built from the Taiga station. However, its construction has not been completed, and the settlement has become stronger.

Initially, Taiga (Kemerovo region) was listedas a railway station between the rivers Berezovaya and Kitat (tributaries of the Yaya River). However, gradually the town's population increased to 10 thousand people, and it was decided to give the town the status of the city. It happened in 1911.

The name of the city is associated with the geographical term"taiga", which denotes a natural zone with a predominance of coniferous forests. The meaning of this word was fully justified. This city was surrounded by a continuous impenetrable forest, which corresponds to this natural zone.

Location and climate

The city of Taiga (Kemerovo Region) lies within the Kuznetsk Basin (the inter-mountain range in Western Siberia). The average altitude above sea level is within 200 m, the highest elevation reaches 450 m.

The climate of the city is sharply continental. In the Taiga, a long winter lasts from late October to early April. Summer is short, fairly warm, but very wet. The average temperature in the winter in the city is -14-17 ° C, in summer -16- + 19 ° С. The average annual precipitation is 500 mm, and more than half of them are in summer.

map of the taiga of the Kemerovo region


Taiga (Kemerovo region) is a monocity. The basis of industry, economy and work of the population is the railway junction. The station is built in such a way that the roads bypass it from two sides. Trunk branches go to Tomsk and Kemerovo. A locomotive repair depot, a repair and technical school, a distance of track and power supply and a branch of the Institute of Railway Transport operate on the basis of the railway node. Only 12 structural divisions.

More than 60% of the city's working populationare involved in railway enterprises. Also in the city there are industrial establishments. The light industry is developing (the textile factory is engaged in the production of school uniforms and work clothes for railway workers) and the food industry.

city ​​taiga photo


In the city itself there are not many localattractions. Perhaps the main and only interesting object can be called the railway station - the place from which the entire city began. This is one of the few buildings whose construction had to be done before the revolution. The building has been in operation since 1905, but it requires reconstruction. Next to it you can see two more buildings of the beginning of the XX century - a locomotive depot and a water tower. Since 1954, on the pedestal is a locomotive, which is considered a monument to the labor feat of railwaymen.

Two historical monuments of the city - a monument to victims of political repression and a monument-memorial to the soldiers-Taigins. There is also the Museum of Local Lore.

On the southern outskirts you can find several historical buildings: the pseudo-Russian church of Andrew of Crete, built in 1907, the shop of the merchant Magazov and several houses of the beginning of the XX century.

taiga church

Let's sum up the results

Within 100 km from this settlement there are two large cities - Kemerovo and Tomsk. Here, in addition to the railway, there is also a bus transport - route taxis.

The city of Taiga (Kemerovo region), unfortunately,often experiencing problems with water supply. Unlike other Siberian settlements, it is not located off the coast of a large river. Accordingly, this indicates that there is no natural source of water supply in the city. Local residents use the resources of the largest nearby Yaya River.

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