/ / The city of Suzdal: how to get from Moscow to Suzdal

Suzdal: how to get from Moscow to Suzdal

One of the famous city museums in Russia -Suzdal. How to get from Moscow to this city? There are several options: by train, bus, on your own car. In the article, we will consider each of them.

Suzdal how to get from Moscow


Journey through the Golden Ring of Russiainvolves visiting cities located in seven areas. In each of them, there are unique historical and cultural monuments that attract tourists from Russia and abroad. One of these cities is Suzdal. How to get from Moscow to him, is interested in many residents of the capital. Tired by the rapid rhythm of the metropolis, they are in search of quiet, picturesque places for recreation. And this is especially felt at the weekend, when congestion on the Moscow Ring Road reaches the highest points.

"Why do Muscovites hurry to Suzdal? How to get from Moscow to this city? "- the questions, answers to which will be given below: First, of course, it is necessary to tell about the city, not only about the Kremlin and other monuments of history, but also about the shortcomings that the holiday makers face.

The population of Suzdal is about ten thousandhuman. Most of the local residents are involved in the tourism, restaurant, hotel business. The main attraction of the city is the Kremlin. With him usually and begin to see the Suzdal beauties. On the territory of the Kremlin there are three churches, one of which was founded in the seventeenth century. Others - in the XVIII century.

The list of monuments and museums is quite extensive,which Suzdal has. "How to get from Moscow to this city?" - such a question is usually asked by those who already have some information about local sights. The level of service in Suzdal hotels, the roads of this city, the prices in restaurants know only those who have already been there.

Suzdal how to get from Moscow by train

By rail to Suzdal

"How to get from Moscow by train?"- the question, the answer to which will be given right now.But before you buy a ticket, you should book a room in the hotel.Souzdal is a tourist city.The prices here are not much different from Moscow, and most importantly, on weekends for a day, rent a room in a hotel is pretty therefore, it is better to call and book ahead of time.When the issue with the hotel number is resolved, you should know the train schedule of Moscow-Vladimir, namely Vladimir, because there is no direct route Moscow-Suzdal How to get from Moscow by train? Every day electric trains leave for Vladimir, the journey time is about three hours .The ticket price is from 500 rubles.

From the regional center to Suzdal you can reachbus. The departure interval is forty minutes. But the railway station and the bus station are not quite close to each other. Have to drive by public transport to the stop "Shopping Rows". Or get to Suzdal by taxi. This version of the road is rather tiring. But for people of curious and hardy will do. Thus, you can visit two cities of the Golden Ring. Some tourists prefer this route because in Vladimir, too, many attractions.

By bus

This method is much simpler. Every day buses to Suzdal and Vladimir depart from Shchelkovo Station. The ticket costs about five hundred rubles. The journey takes four hours.

Suzdal how to get from Moscow by train

By car

Most Muscovites visit Suzdal in summer orfor the May holidays. At this time, traffic jams can not be avoided. In addition, roads in the Vladimir region leave much to be desired, and repair works, which are conducted in many areas in the suburbs, can significantly increase travel time. The distance to Suzdal is 220 km. You can get from Moscow in 4-5 hours, depending on the time of day and the level of traffic congestion. But even despite all these shortcomings, this is the most convenient way to get to not only Suzdal, but also to any other city of the Golden Ring.

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